Tree of Savior Forum

Failed To Download List File Updater Patcher Version txt 1090

Please help! I can’t get in the game. sometimes it works. but most of the times it won’t

I tried verifying integrity. as well as the other remedies i found in the forums. but none of them seems to work at all

ive reinstalled the game but still no luck. i can get in at first but the problem persists on the next time i log in

@STAFF_Letitia pls help ; w ; i really want that box for the wild tales of the masters event. and i got 2 days left to get it

I’m having the same issues. I’ve tried everything from the forums and many other ideas. Still no joy.

This happens to me too. But I just close the dialog box when it appears and then click Play again, until I eventually get in. Sometimes takes me 3 tries, sometimes 10.

I got the exatcly same error, and nothing I do solves this…

Bloody hell
i lost this cardboard box xd :persevere:

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@STAFF_Letitia is there something we should know that is not in the patch description? Today this happened again out of the blue an i can’t get in the game anymore, i feel like quitting if the game keeps going on like this with you guys giving me the cold shoulder. i play to relax and not getting frustrated than i already am.


same thing happened to me.
now i fixed the game and lost the addons. i’m trying to find the way to make them appear again.

It happened again today… I don’t even have addons or whatnots…

did you never use addons or only erased the file named with it ?

It’s not the Addons, believe me, I tried every possible way I could find online, I completly erased the existence of addons in my pc and this error is still happening to me, it’s so frustrating i’m thinking about quiting the game. Staff answered my ticket asking if i had MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2015 instaled on my computer. I mean…WTF?!? Why do I must have some kind of program that is not even related to the game in order to play? Well I instaled it and guess what? still can’t play this bug they call a game…