Tree of Savior Forum

Faded Sketis Spear?

I bought one of these on the market. It’s unidentified. The problem is whenever I take it to a shop and press the button to identify all it does is freeze me so I can’t move or do anything except log out. Any way to fix this?

Every HG item before rank 9 was transformed into Faded item. Those items are HG items without randomized stats from before the update.

Faded items can’t have randomized stats so I believe they can’t be identified because the new identification mechanics tries to give them randomized stats.

I don’t know if this is intended or not, as faded items are supposed to eventually vanish from existence (because people will be trading for new items of same type but with random stats, which are better). But of course would be nice if faded items could still be identified the way they were before the update.

So then, in other words it’s useless and I wasted my money?
Also what is HG?

Hunting Grounds. It’s a “grinding map” where players can obtain these items and increased exp.

I can’t say for sure as it depends on IMC wether or not come back with the old identify system so unidentified faded items can still work.

I see. Sorry about the confusion, I haven’t been on since the beta. Thanks for the help.