Tree of Savior Forum

[❤ Factory] Screenshots - The Great Big Zoomy Thread

woah hat level map is that?

Awakening Dungeon. (from Alchemists)

lol thats not even fair xD

Pay to get your item awakened (it’s beneficial anyway), then just try to get as many pics as you can :slight_smile:

also @DrRM’s map is Novaha Annex (Orsha side).

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@BlueByu what he said :yum:


#The Grand Disaster


Which one?

That player/NPC on the left reminds me of RO’s Kafra. :smiley:

the sadhu


Just taking a break on the pilgrimage.


#Lost in Rotation

^Klaipeda is too shy xD


I hate that stupid Klaipeda fog. It makes the map feel under-saturated and depressing because of it. It’s like the colour has been sapped out of the place by the disaster.

I’d kill for a regular location that we get to visit that feels POSITIVE. Not just a field location full of overgrown (but beautiful) plants guarded by hideous plant monsters.

Do you know how hard it is to clean a Mace that’s been dyed GREEN?


Well we do live in a post apocalyptic world after all…

but! I went out of my way to create cuteness and positivity :smiley:

separated at birth xD


Well it’s my friend character. I really have no idea how you could thought that this is mine since there is also my druid at this picture which is at the other pictures too but anyway… Please stop with this meta talking, it’s become irritating. As long as you’re having fun with your build then it’s ok. You really don’t need to be the best for having fun, it’s just a game. We know that sadhu is bad right now but she has fun while playing it so i don’t see any reason to delete it and you don’t really know if sadhu wouldn’t get buffed in future. I written here to show screenshots not to ask for advice. If I need advice i’ll post in class section. I really don’t understand why you’re doing something that nobody asked you for. So can we end this offtopic and get back to the original topic goal? : )


i was never trying to ruin your fun. i was saying that as a joke but i guess you actually thought i was serious? as long as shes having fun then she can keep that char. i didnt mean to offend anyone


Finally, my own cafe.


Quick! That Squire looks clueless AF, swindle him!

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Rota is already on the job, of course. She set up her “mercenaries” for a tidy profit, of which I get a cut. Poor lad has no idea what hes walked in to, but I’ll give him a free cup of joe… or ale, as compensation.

Liam just has a staring problem.

(So broke right now after attris I’d clock him myself if I could. XD)


Well sorry for misunderstanding then. It’s hard to know other intentions in written form sometimes or maybe i just don’t have any sense of humor. xD

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I can see it…

I can see what everyone is thinking…

ohhh!!! it’s so clear to me…