Tree of Savior Forum

Extremely low FPS, Constant game crashing

I now have 28 unread messages, Talk about an exploit. Probably the worst we have ever come across!

player “BomberDamm” is also doing it in Klaip

Send in your tickets guys. I just did.

When you got hit by 2 of them, fml :tired:


They should be working, Most are working at 8 am

Guys, delete all your chat config file in steamapps/common/Treeofsavior/release
Then after another crash make it like this

And make the file READ only.

Your chat will be disabled but you won’t crash anymore unless you click on the whisper.

I mean, chat won’t be “disabled” but it will glitch out


IMC did not until like 12:00 or 14:00 a few times in the past :sad:

I know it sucks, but lmao at the boop message.


Does not work, already tried.

looks like it worked for me thanks

Did you make the file read only? So the game cannot overwrite it.

This is the message that crashed me

ty buddy
worked for me
put it to read only
and I was also crashed by Absorli

At this point I’m not surprised anymore by IMC spaghetti code :joy:

What is the meaning of continuing to play while the problem persists? :tired:

COULD YOU GUYS PLEASE CALM THE “Are replying” for a bit and help us test this.!WJw03AAI!wwybQuqjQJ1Z_ybg3FN1l_coLivqLSwPGQVaksrHyhw

Its an addon that will delete all your 1:1 whispers on login.

Put it on your Steam\SteamApps\common\TreeOfSavior\data

or your custom ToS folder location

ITS ALSO AVAILABLE ON ADDON MANAGER NOW, please stop writing and test it o3o


To Beta test the game


I’ve literally posted a band-aid fix some posts over ^

Addon worked, can talk and play, thanks guys

In Silute, someone call FreezU is doing the same, send whispers and crashing.

Yay, thanks Wolfy :smile:


I don’t think that image will cause me any problems. I wasn’t included in that @everyone on discord. That’s not the original screenshot, it’s just copied and pasted from another discord server.