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Server Name:Telsiai
Team Name:The_Bluesorrow
Character Name:Queenie
Bug Description :
After Ep 13-2 consolidation of quest progress on all characters in the same team, the quest skipped some rewards because it went past the point where the reward should be given
Steps to reproduce the issue :
- Progress the quest with multiple characters before ep13-2 update
- After update, all the characters’ progress are consolidated.
- Cannot obtain items once past the point where the items should be rewarded
Screenshots / Video :
@Staff_Brand I tried sending a ticket but the support representative doesn’t seem to understand the nature of the bug and thought i’m asking for advice on solving the quest.
Would you please help me better explain my problem?
These are screenshots on my other characters that has progressed through the quest:
These progress got consolidated that it got past the point where i should receive the remaining ores when ep 13-2 was updated. Now i am unable to receive the remaining ores due to the consolidation
I realized this was a bug after i tried doing the same quest in NA server
as you can see i’m almost done with the quest in just 6 progress per character, since the progress is consolidated with my other characters in that team

As you can see, the consolidation made by the EP 13-2 update integrates the quest with whatever character you’re using regardless of how many they do, as long as the sum of all the characters doing it reaches the required number to receive the ores
This character is only able to progress 2x
But due to the update, it’s able to receive the ore because the sum of all the characters doing this quest is able to meet the required total of progress.
The bug is triggered if your total progress on all characters exceeded the required progress before EP13-2 patch is implemented. When the update is implemented, they are no longer able to acquire these ores because the total progress is over the required number and thus skipped on providing the rewards
My NA account is able to get as far as my SEA account by just doing the quest 19 times
While my SEA account has already progressed 247times and still not getting the last 2 ores for the collection