Tree of Savior Forum

Exploration Gimmick in Fedimian is uncompletable

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : 10:45AM EST

Server Name: Klaipeda

Team Name: Corsetti

Character Name: Corsetti / War_Priest / Pyro / Digga

Bug Description : The Exlorers Gimmick from the NPC “Adventurer Anastazija” in the town Fedimian can not be completed.

For those who did not know about this gimmick: image

This NPC in Fedimian gives the player a riddle every day. This riddle is a description of a specific map and it is up to the player to find that map and go to the exact location in the map to obtain a quest item. Bringing the quest item back to the NPC will give Ripped Books. After every few completions of the gimmick, the NPC will also give the player an item to complete the Explorer Finds Collection. image

There are a total of 50 maps related to this gimmick. The maps are all within Episode1 Klaipeda, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, and the rest of the maps used to be in Episode1 Orsha. With the removal of all Orsha maps, this NPC can potentially give the player a riddle that leads towards a map that is inaccessible.

This issue can not be avoided. The NPC gives 50 riddles, and will never issue a duplicate riddle. Once you complete one, she will never give it again, reducing the amount of available riddles. Once you hit your 50th riddle, there will only be one available riddle she can give, and even after new day reset, which resets the NPC, she will still only give that same riddle.

This riddle leads to the map Zeraha, a now deleted map from the Orsha chapter.

This riddle leads to the map Delmore Manor, a now deleted map from the Orsha chapter.

This riddle leads to the map Ashaq Underground Prison 1F, a now deleted map from the Orsha chapter.

And now, for an actual potential bug, the NPC will not give my Cleric another riddle, even though I have only completed 49 of the 50 available riddles. When asked how many riddles have been completed, she says this. image Which should be incorrect.

This gimmick is linked to 3 achievements and 1 collection. image
It would be nice if it was possible to complete it somehow, maybe issuing new riddles to maps in the Fedimian region or in places that won’t be deleted. As for now, this is broken content within the game.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Delete maps which are linked to the gimmick

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