Tree of Savior Forum

EXP Rate~ Creating Servers With Different EXP Rates

Suggestion: Creating Different Servers With Different EXP Rates (Low, Medium, High)

I think that this will cater to everyone’s needs since some people enjoy grinding while others want to be able to unlock all the content quickly :smiley:

This is just a suggestion I think that is pretty good~

this idea is so bad, all will go to high rate server, because hardcore players want to be best playars, levelin asap, take their godly equip, dominate pvp and casuals don’t want to grind. In the end we will have 3 empty servers, everyone will leave because game is too easy and boring.


The problem is Grinding
Grinding means
-the lack of creativity and imagination

You do not solve the problem by spoon feeding everything. Grinding is the proof developers had reach their limitations which is why player suggestion exist.

The solution is simple:
-Add more mechanics
-More mechanics means Better Prizes
-The harder the mechanics, the better prizes (Ex. Instant 1-5 Levels per Boss kill)

Instead of “I give you everything without you doing anything” mentality
How about “Prove yourself and earn what you wanted” mentality
…this is how I ended up with my solution (which is “Add more Mechanics and Reward me accordingly”)

The suggestion is pretty good, IF, it was a pirate server. Well, it’s not. But there certainly will be some.

No, in this current state of the game, grinding means: either people don’t know there are maps they can quest on (as Gyttis Settlement Area, for 7x players who think they’re forced to grind at Mausoleum til 80), or the maps they would be questing on are actually not implemented in the Beta Test yet (as all maps from 130~180 range which show on databases, but not ingame)

Bad idea divides the player base even more, and xp rates are not the problem to being with.


If there was a server were you could get any class at max levels and it only had Arena PvP & World PvP.

I’d might even give up this game for Blade and Soul and OverWatch.


Why would world pvp mean anything? you are already max level and pvp has standarized gear.

If “Not Knowing” is the case then the problem is not Grinding
We should always look at “cause and effect” before everything else

People getting stuck at certain levels because
Case 1: Map Not Implemented
but If it is already ingame
Case 2: Players not knowing

Case 1: Developers did not think this thru so it’s their fault.
Not unless what they are testing is NOT exp but rather everything else, which is why they PURPOSELY did not implement it.

  • make them implement the map
  • if it’s done on purpose, then help them find a conclusion to what they are testing. Just so they can move-on and implement the map.

Case 2: We need a tracker that indicates where we should be going

  • implement level indicator in the map
  • have quest leads you to the proper area based on your level
  • implement more creative ways to gain exp

Case 2 is easier to implement as a Hot Fix

  • Level indicator in Map would simply tell us if that area meant for certain level don’t exist, or tell players their in the wrong place
  • Like on WoW, the center of the City have a Billboard that gives quest every certain level that leads to the proper location you should be going.
    -How about; Add more mechanics for bosses, then Bigger rewards? Like Instant 5 levels per boss kill.
    The harder they are to kill, the bigger birthday gift you get.

Another good solution would be chilling the heck out and stop demanding things that aren’t expected to be working 100% in a CBT, and start acting like you’re really in a CBT, instead of a 10 years old game.

What this says is “HOLD MY HAND” i like that the story didn’t drag me to some of the maps and i had to find them on my own.

A tracking system promotes end game content and convenience in leveling.

Knowing where you should be going will speed up leveling, exposing you to more game contents, and as a final goal be on the end game.

Looking for stuff on your own does have its own Pros

Sadly, I do not think that is applicable in the current state of the game

Holy crap i could swear this is a double post of “HOLD MY HAND”. There is nothing wrong with forcing some independence to figure out where to go, people have done so in this beta. If you look around lvling isn’t very hard with the current state and max lvl for this test.

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I never said it’s wrong.
If you had read EVERYTHING and did not highlight 1/4 of my comment, I did say it has its own good side.

I do things in a scientific manner. I take everything in consideration, then try to balance out pros and cons before saying anything.

Yes, People have done it on every other game, beta or not beta, ToS or not ToS.
The Point here is:

  • Some players are Lost and are stuck

This is simply just my own personal 20+ years as a MMO player opinion, based on the Current Situation of ToS
What ToS need is give players options

  • Want to be Independent and Explore? Then ignore the tracking system and do things on our own
  • Are you lost and want Help? Take advantage of the Tracking system
    Problem Solved

I read the whole thing also your bad at math aren’t you? If you weigh it by word or line count what ever you prefer my highlight varies from half to more depending.

options are fine but a tracking system that turns the whole game into a amusement park ride is not what we need, and i think a lot of players would agree with me. A tracking system has nothing to do with choice, it has to do with being lazy and being upset when things are not handed to you.

You misunderstood Tracking system.
It also does not create lazy people.
If they are lazy, then it had been like that from the beginning before the game even existed.
Plus you can attain similar information at Forums and Official websites, but it’s your CHOICE if you want to visit those or not.

The point here is:
-So player would not depend on 3rd party assistance

Tracking system is simply:

  • Map only tells you the levels in that area (Like every other MMO)
  • Billboard is ignorable and not required. (Similar to how it works in World of Warcraft)

It does NOT auto teleport you to the location
it does NOT auto complete quests
it does NOT give rewards
it does NOT start any quest line
it is NOT a quest line
it does NOT give anything at all.

  • As I said many times, it does NOT give anything rather than what I had mentioned

If this is what you want you can press N it brings up a map and you can mouse over any zone you have been near ( not even in) and it tells you the lvls. Im still not seeing why this tracking system is needed.

What you had said

  • is one form of tracking system (or should I say IT IS A TRACKING SYSTEM)

Purpose (why it’s needed)

  • so players would know where they should be
  • so players would not depend on 3rd party help
  • if they are already in the RIGHT PLACE but exp is not enough, then something is wrong that needed developers attention

If you are already in the right place but not getting what you should have

  • this is where we suggest stuff and help the developer
  • this is where we show our creativity and experiences as players

The only time I needed a tracking system, I used the tools I had.
Just simply typed /y and asked people where I could go level, quickly got lots of whispers with different options such as grinding at X or Y spot, or go to a certain map… one of them even volunteered to go lead me to the map.

@nutaso_mavin, I appreciate your suggestions and if lots of players start asking for the same thing, they will probably implement it.

What annoys me is that some players think they should put whatever option they’ve had in previous games in this new one, or else, they’ll not like the game much. Why can’t people just learn to like new things, with different approaches and perspectives? =/

PS: if people get lost in a game like this, then they probably should be playing something else. Just saying.

Pros and Cons

Pros - Promotes Social Skills
Cons - Answers are not accurate, mostly players with “Dunning-Kruger Effect”.

Pros - opens our minds to new ideas, avoiding past mistakes, and not trapping ourselves in a bubble
Cons - players having their own personal interests and demanding such in everything they do

Pros - self development, learning, building up experiences
Cons - people getting lost and ended up in a bad situation that has no return

I do know what you’re talking about but that is not what I meant regarding my suggestions. My suggestions are purely for the sake of the game. It had nothing to do with my interest but rather an opinion based on my knowledge and experience as a gamer.
As I always say, if they are bad people, game or its content is not at fault rather he/she had been like that from the start.

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