Tree of Savior Forum

EXP Penalty Range should be Higher than just 5 Levels

I believe that it goes without saying that many of us don’t play on maps specificaly on our level - at least when it comes to questing.

My Wizard was at level 73, done all the quests she’s had, and was questing at the Mausoleum’s 1st Floor - a Level 81 map.
This 8 level difference would only further be troublesome since not only mosters wouldn’t give me as much exp (even if I was able to kill them well enough), but especially bosses.

This basically makes Exp Cards the only source of reliable experience, since Grinding takes too long and franky, I’m more of a quest player.

I think that if the exp penalty range was 10 levels instead of 5, it wouldn’t really lock out players from having to grind - it kind of makes other players feel guilty about questing in a map where they know they’re actively getting less exp because they don’t have a higher level.


I agree. In the end the idea was to grind or do quests, but since exp cards have no penalty, grinding is just not as effective. If you see Lord Stormakov, after the main quest bugged and he had to grind, he went from a few levels a day to 1 level per 10-12 hours.
So grinding is currently not a viable choice after lvl 100.

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Alright, so I see people posting about an exp penalty everywhere; does anyone have a source for this? When I tested, I found no such penalty, 20 levels above.

How can you tell? monster 20lvls higher give more exp, so they can still give you more than normal monsters at your level after the penalty.

The penalty is 5% per level after 5, both above and below. I don’t remember were it was posted, but was official information. Last beta it was only below. I am guessing this is to avoid using pet to ultralevel?

Open your adventurer book, you can see how much EXP the monsters give. You start getting less exp from a monster that is 5 levels higher or lower than you.

I believe the idea behind this was to make people advance, and not grind on low level monsters forever. In this case, the level penalty should be changed for 10 levels higher and 5 lower.

I mean, you can have penalty after 5 levels above, but not 5% per level. You can make it Logarithmic or “exponential growth”

I agree with that but i prefer that ToS eliminate monster penalty or give us more range

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Quick tests:

Lv16 Wizard

vs Red Kepa (Lv12)
EXP Journal: 72 (53)
% Gained: 4.1

vs Vubbe Thief (Lv13)
EXP Journal: 110 (67)
% Gained: 6.3

vs Zignut (Lv28, +12)
EXP Journal: 144 (88)
% Gained: 9.2

vs Panto (Lv30, +14)
EXP Journal: 163 (140)
% Gained: 9.3

I have no idea what the red numbers are for, but if the green are ‘base’, there is no scaling. I leveled up just in case, and the numbers in the adventure journal for Panto did not change at all.

Lv17 Wizard vs Panto (Lv30, +13)
% Gained: 3.6 (equal to 163/4510 for next level)

Red is supposed to be “job” level. Also don’t trust the journal, you need to check with the exp chart and calculate with the % you get for each level.

Posted a separate thread in general about this, but I did test Panto with a Lv33 Cleric and the XP value matched up with exp chart and percentage. I did note that there seems to be some sort of penalty for lower level, but not higher.

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Levelbased EXP penalty sucks imo. As well as the resistance/damage factors for different levels. Like you only do 1 damage to a monster high enough no matter what and mobs low enough only do 1 damage to you. Kind of feels weird and tbh I cannot see a reason for that unless you are afraid there are level exploits (like Ragnarok Soil Duping), which should be no problem in a beta.

What I like in other MMOs is that you can challenge yourself with mobs way stronger than you and get rewarded for it instead of nobrain mobs on your level, which do no harm.

I never understood why limit xp on killing a monster with higher level.
in my opinion we should gain bonus xp for doing it.

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Im guessing due to the transferable pet, or they are worried about party shareing - leeching - tanking. Dunno tbh.

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i won’t worry about this much if we have a place to grind. but sadly we don’t have one around 70-80.

The very idea of an EXP penalty is already the dumbest thing ever.

It’s only good for shitty linear MMO like WoW and its 9482309832 clones.

“Hello, you killed a monster 10 level above yours? Gratz, we give you less exp for this than you should receive for your efforts, because ■■■■ you”

RO was such a perfect game.


Doing 1 damage doesn’t really have anything to with level, just that their defense is too high for you to do damage. That being said, defense increases by 1 each level so there is kind of a ‘cap’ in some ways. You can easily bypass it with skills though.

Also lmao at people not even reading my post saying that there is no exp penalty for above. :frowning:

There’s a dungeon that’s good at that level though. “dungeon”. the problem is at lvl 160 where there are no more quests.

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Is not that, is just that there are so many people doing tests and showing, according to them that there is a penalty, and also when one tried it it happened (at least to me it was retarded, i killed the same mob and as i leveled up, i started gaining more exp). Granted it could have been the breacket reset, but i don’t think i was close to one, so we are more eceptic than “not reading”. The TOS wiki says that you only receive penalty by killing lower level monsters!

I remember that on my archer I tried to face a monster of around 15~20 levels higher than him, the exp reward was not great at all.
My archer were near level 80.

I believe there is indeed exp penalty, unless you are lucky enough to find a blue shining monster.

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