Tree of Savior Forum

Exchange Trade Ratio System Shop TP:SILVER

I saw many ppl want to have Silver, they have money to pay for it, but don’t have the time to grind it themselves.
And there’s alot of ppl that can’t buy TP with money (they are poor or don’t have a way to make the payment)
Also this will increase IMC TP Sales.
So I came up with this Idea, that will help us ALL.
Rich, Poor and IMC.

Exchange Trade Ratio System Shop

That it will depend on the demand of the users Selling TP to others users that can buy it with Silver.

User 1 Buy TP with money ( IMC WIN )
User 1 Sell TP to User 2 in exchange for Silver in the trade ratio system
User 2 receive TP
User 1 receive Silver
We all win.

Ratio will work like the market, that it depend on users demand on an item.
Starting ratio should be something like this:

1 TP : 2600 silver ( thats equal to 0.06 usd. 198 TP = 10USD )
*****Silver may vary depend on users demand.

With this system you will win to half+ of Gold Sellers!

PS. in the Shop it will be always show 1 TP : 2600 SILVER, it will never show 2 TP or 1000 TP , Can’t stack, and you can’t see any name of who is selling, but yea, you can sell/buy the amount of TP that you want, (ex 999).

Like or my cat will cry :crying_cat_face: , he think I don’t lose anything writing this :blush:

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You’re late. Imc already thought about that.
Never heard of teh token ?

ps : I will not like because I don’t like cats.

OMG my travel machine got mess, this is not 2015? exploit on steam still work?
sit on travel machine again

So you say I can buy a costume right now without investing a cent?

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No you can’t, but Imc don’t care about you who want to buy a costume without investing a cent.
They care about the guys buying TPs. If theses want to partake in imc RMT, they can buy a token and sell it on market. The lower the token value, the more imc will earn. Official RMT system is already set.

So don’t worry, if they feel the need to expand their RMT market to TP (think of the drawbacks that could cause), they’ll think of it themselves.

why you post if you didn’t read :frowning:
Some1 will invest for you, that’s how it works…

You should assume that I understood your idea rather than the opposite :wink:

Damn I’m too nice… Order of words is important in what follows.
People don’t buy RMT things to imc BECAUSE there are people who WANT to buy TP against silver. (They wouldn’t buy TP because there is demand. This wouldn’t be the reason.)
People who want to RMT do buy Token and then proceed to SELL it BECAUSE there is demand. (They buy tokens because they demand silver and theses can be easily traded against silver since there is a token demand too.)

Imc currently does not need to allow TP RMT.

Get it !

Sounds like we need a NEW SYSTEM!
Every 198 TP you buy with money
Every 198 TP you waste on TP Shop
You will win 30 days of premium membership!
Time can stack up to 5 months, Every plus month you have, you gain extra features on the premium membership Level (there are 5 Levels).
And, delete Token from Game.


Why would they do that? Seems not profitable for them. I like it the way it is right now.

I for one believe IMC should start competing against gold sellers on their own market, IMC has all the advantages.