Tree of Savior Forum

Exchange shop - no new items to exchange - Fedimian server

Seriously @STAFF_Letitia that’s why you guys keep on losing players or at least the cashing ones.
The support system is total crap and you guys insist on being rude to people who actually care about the game and both it’s presentation and development.

We’re talking about money, y’know? No one is going to sit down a bow their heads in agreement to everything you do, specially without consulting or warning the community, at least!! It smells like SCAM!

As not only the IToS gacha system is completely different from the rest of the world, and the unfairest of them all imho, now you decided to change (again, without TELLING YOUR PLAYERS) the rules that we’re used to!
If the items are now bound to be limited time only ok (not ok tho) BUT JUST LET THE PLAYERS KNOW IT BEFOREHAND, at least we can decide if or which one it’s worth spending money on.

IMCED :dark_sunglasses:

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Oh, wow. Nothing new about IMC! Thanks for nothing, bad Staffs

Well, we waited almost a year to finally receive Gothic Lolita Costume (unfortunately by gacha) and now we, who had bad luck (or aren’t rich), can’t purchase it. Good.

Awww… some guildies and I were hoping the gothic costume would be in the medal shop with this update.

I really love imc art style…


I think the most sad part is that me, and much likely more of us arent even suprised.
IMC’s Marketing team have been pretty bad.

On the other hand, maaaaaaaybe IMC is preparing for a change in TP shop, One could only dream


I really hope you’re right, It’s already time that IMC gave us the same TP shop from j/kTos ;----;
All I want is my pretty costumes, we’re dreaming together on this!! <( T^T)/*\(T^T)>

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so sad to read I really want some of these costumes

hmm then what should I do with my 1k+ exchange medals? Am keeping them for the costumes and now IMC announce that there will be no new items? :scream:

Oh I just noticed this now:

Has it always been like this with the Cockatrice costume too (head piece cannot be put in team storage)? Are the premium hairs immovable via team storage now too?

Premium hairs are movable via Team Storage

So, now the other problems were fixed with the maintenance, but still no costumes.

GOTHIC COSTUME OR RIOT!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

they should at last say something about it, its perma or not :frowning: i’m sad


Say something!

new patch:

Wizard Gothic and Forest Fairy Costumes ADDED TO EXCHANGE SHOP

  • The Wizard Gothic Costume (Male/Female) and Forest Fairy Costume (Male/Female) will be added to the Exchange Shop.
  • You can purchase these costumes using Exchange Medals.

They either forgot or last weeks patch was too big to include such thing. :thinking: :smirk:

I still think they forgot to part them from the catsuits just in time.

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