Tree of Savior Forum

> Events System

Well, most peoples out there will say that this suggestion is a rip off Guild Wars 2, but, the idea is really good, the system works, and you does not need a party or guild to complete, all you need is other players doing the same event aswell.

If you does not know what I am talking about, then I’ll explain.

Event is a system from the said game above that somewhere in the map may happen something where players can help solving in exchange for nice rewards.
Does not know what I mean? Let-me use an example.

Wonder that you are running through the fields, until you see a farmer calling players, and the farmer asks the players nearby to collect apples from the apple trees and give to him, then you have to hit the trees to drop apples and deliver them to the npc, or by some unlucky chance, fall a monster from the tree to delay you.
All players interessed just need to collect apples and give to the farmer, and after the farmer get enough apples, the farmer rewards all players who participated the event with exp, coins and items or equipments depending on how much helpfull the player were.

Sounds interesting? What about this:

You are walking through a mine and then hell portals appear, you and the other players have to destroy the portals and the demons that spawned from it, upon destroying all portals and monsters, you receive exp, golds and items rewards based on the contribution.

And what about a boss appearing on the top of a cliff? You and several players have to defeat the boss, and upon completting everyone gets the usual rewards, plus a gold chest, which have loot for every player who participated and opened it.

That’s pretty much what the Event system is about, you may end up seeying one happening, and you will be rewarded for participating, and the better: No need to make party, since all players that participate will receive their own rewards.

Also, while entering a town or campment, an npc can tell you about an event happening nearby, and mark it on your minimap, so you can reach the position and do it.

Events system would boost heavily the game diversity of progression, even more because will give more life to the game, also would make the game less grindy.


they can get good ideas from guild wars
events is a great example

Sounds like FFXIV’s fates, Rifts rifts, Dragon Prophets events, and pretty much most games these days.

It’s not a bad system, but at the same time, people just start farming these events, and then what’s the point of killing mobs outside of these events?

If they can strike a balance where these events are somewhat rare then it’s okay.

But ToS also already has field bosses that spawn at random locations and random times that are very worthwhile and the entire map can fight it. I think thats good enough, paired with the random trigger bosses you can also find around the map.


Well, on those boss fights, everyone who participated gets it’s own loot and exp reward?
Or just the one who dealt most damage?

Also, Grinding would still be an option, but with the events, players may choose to leave the routine of
hardcore grinding for a few minutes and do the event for some cool reward or not participate.

And to avoid farming, they could appear on a slightly low chance, without a chance of happening two events on the same map.

Love the event idea. Based on what I’ve been reading about what ToS will be like, this idea would fit in perfectly.

When I was reading your second idea, I was thinking what if a world boss were to appear randomly at say a critical point in a map. For example it appeared on a bridge that people needed to pass going from level 100 to 110 dungeons, and no one would be able to pass until a group of people united and slayed the boss.

It would be a bit bothersome the average questers but I think it would make for a more interesting overall journey.

As long as it doesn’t end up like FFXIV fate public quests. Which are mind boggling boring. You end up being 1 person in a 50 man group. So your contribution really doesn’t mater you’re basically just waiting for an NPC to move along a predetermined path, a boss to die, or regular mobs to respawn cause they all get gibbed in their first second of life.

FFXIV Fates:

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Games not smart enough to learn from the success of others deserve to fail. If its a good idea no reason they cant use it for themselves most games do that now a days.

I personally dislike these systems from ffxiv & guild wars 2 –

It’s too easy to level in both of those games & having to run from event to event while ignoring everything else around the map is an obnoxious experience for me.

Not that grinding in ToS currently utilizes the whole map at the moment either really… but, tbh the classic grind leveling exp is what I am looking for in ToS & I hope it’s there to stay.

I’d rather IMC themselves hold exp events once or twice a month, either server wide exp boost or exp boost in a certain area, or some other kind of other interesting events that everyone will have to look forward too. Not these mind numbing gw2 events / FATEs that you hop one from the next to, barely paying attention, doing them over and over for a few days until poof you’re max lvl. There’s nothing special about that – it’s exactly like grinding but under some contrived pretense.

That’s just my opinion though… I hope IMC finds a middle ground where we can all be relatively satisfied. I’m not set in stone!

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Sure it does you have to walk down the narrow hallway to get to the good grinding spots lol. But seriously their maps need work. But perhaps turning the field bosses into “events” so when they spawn there marked on the map for anyone who wants to participate?

seeing how field bosses spawn slow it shouldn’t effect lvling speed much if at all.

I’d say the public quests was the only thing that made WAR fun outside it’s constant RvR but yeah…

This kind of thing I can’t see fitting into the style of ToS. If they do something like it but just for the random bosses, that’d actually be really good. It’d make an excuse to have the bosses tankier (not do more damage… just have more HP) and spread the rewards for beating it across a larger number of players. Outside the random bosses with the goal of ITEMS and not EXP I wouldn’t want them in the game.

Events are usually time+random timer before they start, ideally it should reward players based on how soon they joined the event, but its ok as well to reward players like most other quests in the area do, no need to give amazing rewards, maybe a bit greater or just different, but nothing that would make you hunt events, its bad design.

I’m not even talking about xp, their xp could even be lower as long as there is a chance of a slightly better drop.

But as you said , no need to party , that discourages people from playing with each other though and getting to know them D: , I like the social aspect of forming a party and following a quest line and finish it together, it gives time for people to make friends.

If something like this gets implemented maybe make it a party quest and it has to be very challenging.

Although I do agree and love the social aspect of parties, I’ve seen things to way south very quickly from hardcore difficulty group quests with strangers. It turns into an internet blame game fight, and may then discourage grouping with ‘pubs.’

Why pub when I can just wait for the people in my guild who I trust and don’t yell at me? The social aspect of these parties are removed with you just hoping to get by alive.

I think it might work better if these group quests are difficult, and even a bit tedious and long to incite the feeling of trying to recruit as many people as you cangroup to speed things up, but not so difficult that one mistake from one party member can wipe the team (COUGH FFXIV).

Yes i know what you mean :smiley:

I wish they implement that also… but I guess they wont … well lets see and hope they have this kind of dynamic event system in their mind.

Well to be fair if a group is 4 friends / guild mates with 1 pub the pub will often (not always) be worse because their not a part of the groups coordination. Its funny how much flack pubs get yet no one invites them to their voice chat or types for them so they know the plan. Also its all your fault.

Okay okay so i may have killed my group a few times in T9 before i got it figured out, but common that ass had alot of phases.

When we have pubs over , they usually get invited by a friend from inside the team , we usually leave it to the friend to explain the stuff we need. We probably wouldn’t go pub if the event in question was a rare event that usually happens by a scheduled basis and would be over in a few minute or an hour. On the off chance we have no choice, we take turns briefing the pub of impending doom, and usually assign the guy a buddy who he can ask questions if needed.

In the end we may end up liking said pub and invite him over again next time therefore expanding the team roster. Frankly we’ll like the guy if he just listens…but If he’s a total screw up troll who did not listen despite every effort we did, we forget he ever existed and find some other guy.

I never found this event is icbt >.>

Even system requires a lot of variety and they need to be rare to keep them exciting. In todays gaming I guess its too much to ask for GM run events.

I haven’t seen any game perform well in implementing events that were automated. The events just become mindless repeats of stuff you have seen before.

I think it’s good if those Event NPC is actually moving in ToS like in GW2. But those NPC in ToS is stationary. Like the escort service from town to town. But yeah, it will work if the event is only killing some monster and collecting stuff.

But I still prefer something… I don’t know. More like Event to make people take a break from hours and hours of grinding or just to make something fun/bonding with other players.

For example:

  • Every 00:00, 08:00, 16:00 Event A will happen. Every 02:00, 10:00, 18:00 Event B will happen. Every 04:00, 12:00, 20:00 Event C will happen. Every 06:00, 14:00, 22:00 Event D will happen. etc… (this is just an example format)
  • Event notification is something like a flag button(or similar) below the Minimap an the upper right screen or left side/place of the bug report button left side of the Minimap. like this.
  • If those notification shows up, it means that there is an event ongoing. It will disappear after 1 or 2 minutes. If they click it, a small window will ask if they want to participate to Event Name with 2 choices, [Yes] or [No].
  • If they click [No], the window will close but the event notification will be still there until it disappear after the time limit.
  • If they click [Yes], the character will be sent/teleported to the special map where the event will happen. After the event finish, a NPC will show up and they need to talk to him/her to go back, then the character will be transported back where they are before they click the [Yes], in short, in the same place before they teleported.
  • in case that your char is on a Boss Fight, the notification will not shows up until you finish it. It’s to prevent the disturbance on fighting the Boss.
  • Some example of those Breaks/Events what I’m talking about are:
  • Monster Race. A special map will hold a mini race track. With an NPC where you need to talk and make a bet whose monster will win. After 90 or 120 seconds of event notification shows up, the race will begin. The NPC will hide so no more bet after it begins. Monsters who will participate will be small monster with cute appearance. The monster speed will be programmed by IMC using the almighty RNGoddess so that the race will not be rigged (something like speed 1 - 4, and sometimes the monster will walk back). After the race, 2 NPCs will shows up. One is the exit NPC and the other one is the prize NPC. If you bet on monster A and it won, you need to talk to prize NPC to claim your price. If you bet on monster B and it lose, even if you talk with the prize NPC, you will not received any prize. But if your monster won and didn’t talk to prize NPC and talk directly to exit NPC, it will ask you if you want to go out without receiving the prize. If you go out without receiving the prize, you can’t reclaim it on the next event and will now be void. The duration of the event must be 2 - 4 minutes after the event notification shows up (02:00,10:00,18:00 for example).
  • Monster Fight. Same as the above. A special map will hold the event. Talk to Betting NPC to bet on what monster is gonna win. Monster A or Monster B. Walk to the warp point to warp to the watching place. Monsters are on Boss Level so that we can watch how Boss monster fight to themselves. All have same level. But the summoning of monster will be on the hand of the almighty RNGoddess. The duration of the event must be 2 - 4 minutes after the event notification shows up (02:00,10:00,18:00 for example).
  • Speed Maze. A special map where the is multiple platform with warp point. After you enter, need to wait for participants or the Event notification to disappear. The NPC will talk or introduction of the Event. Countdown from 3 - 1, Begin!. Then a warp point will appear. Now, every time you step on a warp point, it will put you on a random platform with 4 warp points. You need to step onto those warp point until you reach randomly on the Finish Line platform. Again, the almighty RNGoddess will be needed here. The first 3 people (or the first one) to talk to the finish line NPC will win. If someone win and some are still on the platform, they will automatically teleported to the finish line so that they can talk to the exit NPC. After 5 minutes, after someone won the maze, all people on the special map that stay there for unknown reason that didn’t talk to exit NPC, will be teleported back to where they are before they press [Yes] on Event Notification. To prevent the loitering on finish line for the next Speed Maze Event.
  • Minority Wins. A special map to hold the event. Need to speak to the Event NPC to pick either Group A or Group B. You need to talk to the Event NPC within 10-15seconds to pick a Group. If you pick Group A, you will be teleported to the Group A platform. If you pick Group B, you will be teleported to the Group B platform. Those who didn’t talk to the Event NPC within 10-15seconds will be forcefully teleported back outside. The platform who have the lowest count of players (minority) will go to the next round while the highest count of players (majority) will be teleported back outside(where they are before they enter the Event). The game will go on until the one side have 1 player left. In case of 2 players left, Both player will be the winner.
  • Prizes must be something good. Something like 3-5iCoins or 3-5exp cards(depends on your level). So that players can have a way to earn small amount of iCoins or extra exp on winning the event. And have something to look forward for joining the Event.

It’s just something to help people to take a break on their hourly grind and have a little chat with other participants. Making friends, lover, or even enemy.

Disclaimer: Yes! Those ideas are taken from other games too. :grin: And yes, I’m only suggesting. I know IMC will not take this into consideration but atleast we can have something to discuss and kill time in this forum. :yum:

GW2 is a nice example for events. :+1:

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