Tree of Savior Forum

[Event Suggestion] Login Events

First, an explanation. Ignore this part if you already know what login events are.
Login Events give Players an practical reason to log in by giving them practical ingame items, like potions. They are made in the shape of “login for an hour today to get x” or “kill 200 monsters your level to get x”. The item in question either depends on the day you log in, or in form of an stamp card, the more days to login, the better the items are that you will get. The company does that to increase player numbers, either direct or indirect.

Second, my suggestions. “You” being IMC.
The most important first: You won’t need login events - to increase the player base - if your game is well made in the first place. You should only make login events to spice the game up. Furthermore, login events only cause players to make multiple accounts to hoard items (i call it account muling), destroying the economy and giving power to the players who don’t play your game.

However, in case login events are unavoidable (or you send out the items by IP, countering account muling), i would highly recommend not having “login for one hour”, since that will only make the players sit around like wet tissues. At the very least let them hunt monsters ( their level range! ). BUT: Don’t let them finish faster by them joining a party! It needs to count their hunted monsters, not the ones hunted by others! What would happen is that crafty players would create partys made out of as many mules as they can fit in, and then kill enemys with a single character, thus causing more hoarding.

As an further recommendation, i suggest shaking up the objectives. Instead of hunting a hundred monsters, the player hunts ten field bosses. Or they craft three items. As for the rewards, be sure you give out items that the players can actually use in their level range, or instead of items, give them exp, money, or drop multipliers ! No, i don’t mean in item form. What i mean is that whenever they hunt monsters, or field bosses, or craft items, they get more exp/money/drops for killing the monsters, or in case of the crafting, they get back some of the materials used.

That’s it, i can’t think of anything usefull to add for now.

Ehhh… I’m not so sure I like this idea but that’s just my opinion on it. Sure login events are nice to have but unless it’s an item with negligible effects and cannot be traded, I don’t see a reason to have such things.

Of course having login items would increase players being online (not sure it would increase player base since people would still have to like the main game to begin with) but that would only be for the time they need to actually get the item. :confused: Maybe I’m just being too critical on this idea since I never really liked those events because I felt “obligated” to stay logged in for the time of the event or else I was missing out on stuff.

Login events reward people for simply logging in, that’s just stupid.

We had a discussion about this somewhere else on the forum, honestly its a stupid thing P2W games started to promote to incite players waste money on their stuff (psychologic speaking).

You know most mobile games use this kind of thing and give you some CS money so you can collect it till you can participate of their item/unity lotery, im sure most high level players on those games only log in daily to get those things, do some of the required missions/quests to get some more and leave right after, since the game dont provide any fun in the end.

I do know GW2 have something similar, which we talked on another thread about it, it still not a thing many appreciate to have on ToS. I for one am one of those, and we already have the adventurers journal, i dont know how it is going on KCBT right now, not sure if they changed the icoins for something else, but i do expect IMC do that for something meaningful.

Don’t care about login prizes or events, just that it should be a low priority. But that above is nonsense. If you don’t want them to abuse the game with mules then build in countermeasures preventing such in general or simply don’t implement that feature.
Somehow inhibiting people by playing in a party is stupid.

I think disable multibox (at least on the same PC) would low it a bit, i mean, put a shared storage and you dont have to open 2 clients to put crap on mules, need more storage space? CS item could do just fine like in PoE.

You missunderstand. Playing in a party for normal purposes is just fine. They just need to kill the monsters themselves to let their counter climb up, they will still get exp from other members.

There’s no reason to reward people for logging in. :confused:

It seems the survey seems pretty positive for being rewarding, a lot of the time it’s down to whether or not you like the game and that’ll only improve when it goes into open beta. These sort of ‘login benefits’ only provides incentive for those people who aren’t really interested in the game or community who don’t actually contribute anything back. They will quit soon anyway. I don’t think mule-ing is really an issue unless these are ‘actual’ money hoarding rewards which is doubtful as well.

The only thing I can think to stop mule-ing is being able to open only one client per PC. IP is overkill because you might want to play with your siblings or other family, even friends who come over for tea and biscuits. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d actually like to see a solution to the whole multi-boxing thing in this game. Kind of need to sit this one through to see how people are going to abuse this. But increasing aggressiveness of monsters is a great way to fix this, encourage partying and also makes it more fun and challenging to compete for exp and level ups. In RO at least when you kite mobs, if you get caught in the mob, you’re basically stun locked in position until you claw your way out of it or get gnawed to death. There needs to be hope-destroying situations like this in ToS and death penalties to make people care more about combat and leveling up.

Metal Gear Solid 5 did this. The idea is bad. You’d need to have a pretty ‘angry with life’ personality and be very unsociable to care about this sort of thing. The fact that we are rewarded a weapon right off the bat in ToS for an instanced quest which takes less than 5 mins to complete surprises me. What happens to the weapon we got after making our character. This sort of thing I don’t understand why they do it.

Community and temporary quest events are however, a good idea. But for a new game the content has to be there in the first place. Once it seems like there is nothing to do, events and quests need to be introduced to the game to spice things up but that goes without saying. So far I like what I see and I won’t be asking them to change anything until I feel I’m being cheated of my time and energy, I never felt like that with RO. So I doubt I’ll feel that way with ToS…

First people try to claim ToS is a moba, now people are trying to add terrible browser and mobile game mechanics to ToS.


Uncomfortably edgy as always.
It is only as bad as you make it out to be until we actually see it.
While there is no ‘need’ for this, there will be pros and cons like most features have.
Tallying it up, I would say the pros outweigh the cons, given decent implementation.

You might consider spending some time thinking about that, for there are plenty of reasons to be found.
It’s a positive influence on many players, for one.

You seem to be talking about daily events rather than login events.
Anyway, I highly doubt they are unavoidable.
There’s no ‘need’ for it, but it’s more or less a standardized understanding that the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to giving players login freebies and daily activities. (daily goals are a thing these days)

It’s 100% an FPS!

As for login events, I don’t mind it being there or not.

It doesn’t hurt the game so long as it’s just non tradeable things, it can only really help. It’s really nice for people that can only play casually for an hour or two a day to login and get something nice for the short amount of time they can play.

Either way, it doesn’t really hurt the game so it’s fine for whatever happens

@LaScoot While i prefer not to have login events, (“daily events” and login events are the same for me btw) i know that they will probably add them, but that’s why i added some tips, from a players perspective, on how to avoid some traps.

@FatePGN If they are handeled right, then yes - i just wanted to point out some traps developers seem to fall into.

If every weapon/armor/accessory where 3-5 levels difference i would understand that, but the level range from one weapon upgrade to other is 15 levels, the actual gear upgrade is broken or the monster damage calculation is (im talking about it on the iCBT) because 3 upgrades on armor and you barely take damage from a group of 4 monsters, without upgrade they rip you in 5 seconds.

On this i totaly agree with you, but theres on thing to consider when we talk about community, as you know there are trolls and there are scammers in the middle of all this, and many people think when something bad happen its the game company who have to refund/fix something a player did to other, which i think its the wrong approach. We know there are serious people out there that will do the events properly.

Indeed, i do think IMC will add stuff by the time we reach OBT or Release, i mean, we have 500 levels to do stuff, till we get there it might have something ready by then.

This ^

There is that but i think using the actual adventure’s journal to award players for doiing something instead of only login is better imo.

Yes, and as long as IMC dont approach P2W stuff its fine too. (Sorry for some misunderstanding im kind outdated on IMC position about the CS)

Daily events you at least expend some time online to do then, different from login that you only login to earn it and can walk way right after. And yes, there are some kind of “trap” in some, i see many on mobile games.

I did think about it, Thanks. :wink:

If people like the game, they will log in.
If they don’t like the game, they won’t.

A log-in reward isn’t going to change anything.
“I want something just because I typed in my username and password.” <_< Honestly?

Log-in rewards and daily quests/events are not the same thing.
A daily event in the form of a checklist of things to-do? If it’s implemented like in Guild Wars 2, where the tasks change randomly each day, it would be great. Anything from talking to certain NPC’s, to crafting a certain number of items, to slaying a specific boss.
It would encourage people to branch out and do different things. Instead of just grinding mobs/repeatable quests all day.

The login reward isn’t an obvious change to anything, but it does have benefits.
Not all the benefits of the game make big differences in the game.

The benefit that you can have say, two-toned hair colours.
It almost doesn’t matter… but it’ll definitely have a suitable set of benefits to match.

Login rewards can be made without causing harm while still adding the related benefits.

I personally disagree with most notions for my own reasons.
I disagree with daily events and support login rewards. (not that I would play for login rewards, sure)
The simple version of the reason is that dailies are chores and login rewards are bonuses. (to me)
The long version involves personal principles that disagree with that… ‘encouragement’.

Essentially the opposite for any real player in an MMO ‘RPG’ game. Daily events allow you to have more fun experiences ‘in the game’. If they are not enjoyable or rewarding, there is no reason for IMC to implement this into the game. As I said before the content has to be there in the first place. Logging in and seeing an item or hair style coupon appear randomly in your inventory, when a game is player/community driven well this is counter-intuitive at best. In RO people grind on mobs for hours to get a card to make some money or to card a slotted equipment to obtain ‘said’ benefits.

There is no reason to have login rewards because it doesn’t encourage the community in any way.

The problem with Daily events is they are tricky to implement, which is why i believe quests that are temporarily introduced to the game to obtain a limited-time only item such as a hat is better for the developers. This sort of thing fuels the economy and encourages players to participate and look forward to new quests and events. This also allows them to spend time creating some really interesting quests. Personally I don’t like kill quests except when they encourage partying instead of soloing unless it’s an event boss/mob.

Daily~daily~daily, enough with the daily.

I’m not sure how you decided what a ‘real player’ of an MMORPG is, but… sure?
In a bit more detail, it’s that I dislike having my goals set for me.

I have my own perception of fun, as does anyone.
When someone tries to tell me what I could do to have more fun without me asking, especially if they keep doing this everyday, I’ll grow weary of it.

I play by the concept of efficiency and the idea of losing out for not doing a daily event that they’re throwing at me doesn’t sit well. The result is that I end up doing it for the gains, rather than because it’s a game.
You can make it as diverse as you want, even up to GW2’s level of giving you options on which to do and whatnot, it will sooner, rather than later, become a chore to me and result in me perma-quitting, heavily disregarding the quality of the game. (so far, anyway)
(Yes, GW2 probably had the best given that most of what is asked of you is something you end up doing through normal play anyway… but even that weighed down on my entertainment after awhile.)

It leaves a horrible taste in my mouth and I’m unwilling to revisit such games at all.
I will clarify that this is a personal thing and it doesn’t take into account the quality of the game.
A personal peeve, as mentioned previously. Obviously, my point of view on this topic should be disregarded.
I am aware of the value of dailies and login events to others and that my issues, I assume, are a minority.

I tried to indicate what a real player was by making RPG bold. I apologize it’s not a very good phrase as it’s down to how you see yourself as a gamer not to be used in general. Sorry.

None the less I agree with you totally. I hate having my hand help in MMORPG’s and this results in me quitting in the first 5 - 15 minutes after getting a look at the game. I want my screen to be clear of windows, quest logs and clutter (if i can help it) and go and explore, discover npcs and towns on my own or with friends.

By no means am i looking for this in this game. But some people might and this is more or less what I was referring to when it comes to dailies being implemented, it is tricky to pull off after all. But all I can really say is that I have high hopes for ToS and making any kind of demand of their service without having experienced open beta yet and knowing that it’s going to be a fresh start for a new community. An international one that is. I can’t possibly get any more psyched.

As far as developers hand holding the players goes, they did in fact remove quests from the quest log until they are discovered. The adventure journal however provides incentive to actually go around each map/location and find all the quests increasing your community rank.

Imo the adventure’s journal is more than enough for rewards in that aspect, i mean, we actualy get something for playing the game, not just coming in and look at the screen for 1 minute.

And at one time i only logged on GW2 to get the login rewards, not even bothered doing the dailies since it was freaking boring the same old stuff every day, just on different places.