Tree of Savior Forum

EU PvP and GvG players ready to quit the game

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_No please come out and make a call.

очень злой пират )))

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I vote for:

  • 1100
  • 1500
  • 1900


  • 1100
  • 1600
  • 2100

(all local times, in the Berlin / Amsterdam time zone these should be ok for every EU player)

So apparently

[EU] Fedimian : 10:00 / 01:00 / 04:00 (EDT)

is not [EU] Fedimian : 10:00 am / 01:00pm / 04:00pm (EDT)

I guess its [EU] Fedimian : 10:00pm / 01:00am / 04:00am (EDT)

which is even worse than what we had.

Honestly, how can any normal person be so stupid?


exactly xDDDDD LMAOooo

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No words really… and the mods even replied to various post patch threads but they will ignore this

Thank you for removing the only decent TBL time and replacing it with 3 timeslots that 90%europeans can’t attend. PVP balance issue solved!

You might want to clearly specify which server youre talking about in the OP. To make it more clear for them. Im on klaipeda and have no issues with the times.

Dont act like its the end of the world though… they can easily change it again. Im sure if enough people post about it they will change it like they already did. Make a poll to show them what times people want. Clearly showing the time zones and server in the poll so IMC doesnt get confused.

@IMC, you are just pathetic. I’m sure one children can find a real solution, please are you engineers ? Destroy this game more… I agree do that, you balance the Pvp.

It’s hard to configurate the server like ?
[EU] Fedimian : 10:00 am / 01:00pm / 04:00pm (EDT)
(04:00pm / 07:00pm / 10:00pm) not inverse !

For help you, like this link :,2950159,2643743,524901&h=5

To me it looks like the brains of IMC confused the old cest time with the new times.

The old TBL times before the patch were in cest exactly:

[EU] Fedimian : 10:00 / 18:00 / 01:00 / 04:00 (CEST)

Now they exchanged cest with edt an hardcoded this bullshit into the server, for whatever silly reasons.

I will help you out:

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got worse to silute too.

We have 3 slots for tbl now. As German living in cest time I have to tbl now at:

4am in the morning, 7am in the morning and 10am in the morning.

Yes. Thats what we in Europe have to deal with now.







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the first two letters on my thread Topics clearly specified my server i guess
i have wrote down the time slot that i wish for, and seems people are agree with me.

Ah. ok i think im blind today. sorry

ill tag the GMs for the last time, if they are still not coming out to fix this issue, im done with it, GL playing Tos mates. @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_No

It says right there, first two letters in the thread name ‘EU’ , you see it right

really happy for you man that your times are good over in america and that you feel like eventually imc will fix ours as well, i mean in like 1 month or 2 or 3, it’s very confortating especially seeing how they replied in other threads today but choose to ignore this

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We just had TBL at 12 (like usual) in Fedimian now.

Makes me wonder, did they even change anything…?

No they did not. Luckily for them, as new times would’ve caused an even greater shitstorm.

Still, lack of response from staff is just pathetic.

Makes me laugh. Some korean genius sitting in the office, gets request to change times, takes month because he doesn’t really know where it is coded (HAHAHAHAHA), because they probably fired the guy who initially did the thing (HAHAHHAHAHAHA), and after a month of suffering he changes times to wrong ones haha.

Then community manager (ahhaahaha, lol, there is no such thing here) sees posts about wrong times and urgently excludes modified files from the patch without notifying anyone, even his superiors (lol), gives that task to the same genius I mentioned before.

Now it will take him another month to figure out what he did wrong. Maybe he will need to attend some junior school geography classes to finally figure it out.

Honestly, even worst third-world (russian) MMOs I played were not THAT cancerous.