Tree of Savior Forum

EU PvP and GvG players ready to quit the game

Sorry but I wont trust someone I don’t even know :wink:
I stopped counting when I’v seen ‘‘this game gonna shut down soon’’ posts :wink:

IMC? Logic? Hahahaha.

It seems like IMC wants us to skip or miss school/work lel

Well, this game is shutting down soon, you talk like GM’s pet in every post, whenever people came to complain about IMC, you the only one standing out to defend IMC, not even GM comes out. Funny guy


We’ve been through a lot since closed beta. But now this… the only few of us who stayed (like me playing every single day) will leave. IMC is just lucky no “good” MMORPG was released last months.

IMC, you killed your game and I hope you know it.

Once people reached max level, they have nothing much more to do, ET, PVP,GVG,rush, takes no longer than a hour finish them everyday. My guild member usually come up online only the PVP time starts, and now IMC put the pvp time slot in a freaking 7am in the morning… do they really think people will wake up earlier for PVP and then go to work/school? Atleast i dont, thats too much for me , game is for entertainment.

@STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_No please read my post, and please tell me whether are you guys going to change the time slot for PVP or GVGs, so i would make my decision right now.

Пускай еще хуй мой отсосут. Бесполезные ублюдки.

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yea you guys asked them to change, but after how many years they actually changed?
this game has nothing much more things to do already, and now PVP is taken away, what may keep us still playing this game?


and why cant IMC just make one perfect time slot or one perfect move? so people will stop complaining no more, why do they have to always wait our complain in order to make some changes?

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Too hard for them, as it actually requires brains and they don’t seem to have any.

Матерей их ебал.

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dont worry me and my team are on the edge of uninstalling this game, if IMC doesnt make a move today, my team and half of the guild will just uninstall this game, maybe not uninstall, but atleast not active.

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by the time slot they provided, its so obvious that they dont give a crap about us.

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Seriously, do you have some problems? I never did protect this game i just won’t take someone else opinion about ‘‘game shuting soon’’ seriously.
I played many games and every had this part of community which didn’t like the game but just liked bitching it :wink: Normal, everyday stuff.

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Based on the new times, my guess is that they messed up and counted timezone differences backwards. All the times make sense if you offset them on the other side of EDT…for instance, the 3am EDT GvG in EU was probably meant to be 3pm EDT, but they counted western Europe as 6 hours behind instead of 6 hours ahead :joy: the incompetence is out of this world.

nobody asked you to take their opinion, if you dont agree, leave it be