Tree of Savior Forum

[EU] Fedimian - Channels crashing intensifying

Date and Time(Please, specify the timezone) : Over a week, latest happened today

Server Name: Fedimian

Bug Description :
Channels are crashing on daily basis, sometimes more than once per day. It started intensifying after last week’s patch.
Mercenary post is affected too (I have a shop there and it’s often MIA).

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Fedimian (city) CH1 just crashed again.

So it’s not only Varena then, Orsha and Fedimian crashes a lot here too. Even Yudejan Forest crashed one time.

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Yep, I waited some time before reporting it, but now crashes happens way too often, sadly :crying_cat_face:

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Shameless bump: channels are still crashing over and over every day.

Bump again: Svalphinghas Forest CH1 (seems Fedimian, city, too) just crashed out of nothing.

Bump: channels crashed 3 times today, one time happened in a map where I was farming alone (like 10 mins ago).
Just crashed again (4th time).

Got crashes in Post, Manahas, Fedi … so idk if its ch-crashes or HAEVY lags?

go Crash saalus imc gice me 2 Blees gems thx!!!

haha same with me in saalus :smiley:

I’ve seen crashes in Klaipeda ch2 and Zachariel’s Crossroad ch1 too, based on a couple shops (one is mine, other is my friend’s) that go MIA pretty often.

Also had problems logging into Klaipeda ch2 and Fedimian ch2 today. Game crashed right after loading and it was fixed on swapping channels before logging in.

Crash channel1 Klaipeda town just now

I really hope this is solved by tomorrow’s patch, it’s becoming unbearable :pouting_cat:

With klai which will become the “main town”, it will be worse, since there was crashs in both Fedi and Klai, I think they’re will be more often, to clear shops and put crashers’s ones… :>

Wait wait why klap “main town” npc for dg was make there only to test the new content (?)
(Make easy to enter in dg)

Good question, tbh I prefered where it was. The questing path brang us to fedi arround the lvl 100 and it was nice like that…

I don’t know if someone is purposely crashing channels, but it’s weird since it happened on a channel where I was farming alone.
I remember someone on our server (not writing names) that said that entering/exiting a channel several times could crash it and he “tested it” with guildies (altho I don’t believe in that part since he is a known multiboxer and can do it on his own).

Crash Klai ch1 just now… :3

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Sigh, thanks for the heads up, I was testing corsair elsewhere. I must add that the loading screen bug is still there too (loading gets stuck at around 60% or 90%).

Crash Klai ch1 again just now…