Tree of Savior Forum

Escanciu Village Secret

Its a 103 level nothing special map. I completed it awhile back and returned to day as i needed some hooks, instead i found something interesting.

When i came closer and pressed space this happened.

I have absolutly no idea what this is and i think it wasnt there when i first completed this map. If anyone has any idea on this please share!

Edit: Looking at the time its 2:28 am
I came back right away at 2:54 am but the thingy was gone! So it is timed i guess


I wonder if it’s something for a hidden class, or maybe a secret quest of sorts.

Looks interesting if it’s one of the above.


This kind of thing lends weight to other hidden secrets/mysteries still having more to discover out there. Like Kateen Forest.

I will visit Escanciu Village and take a look for myself, see if I can uncover anything.

Could be worthwhile looking into the language files for text related to the above too. If an NPC says “The air feels cold” then this should be easy to find more about.

Just leaving this as extra:

There’s a HiddenTrigger6 there:

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These mistery’s could be unrelated to the map they are in, thats why i usualy go back and look around maps i’ve comepleted before at different times of my charecter progression. They could also activate with specific items beeing in youre inventory or at a certain level/class.
This abundance of serecret’s makes it hard to believe the game is out for more then a year already.


Its for a special quest given by Hitomiko (Miko Master). Upon completion, you get a title and journal points.