Tree of Savior Forum

Equipment switch Rod+Dagger || Rod+Shield || Staff

Hi I would like to discuss about equipments for wiz

For your info, my current build is Wiz2>Link>Ele3
I plan to get Wiz3 at rank7

Currently I’m using ignition + arde dagger.
As we all know flat damage from arde scale down at higher level.

I’ve tested switching between Igintion + Arde Dagger to Magas Staff
In most cases. Ignition + arde out dps the staff except when I use joint + hangman and auto attack using Magas(aoe 1).

So I sold the Magas cuz it’s pretty underwhelming.

There’re many staffs better than Magas. But are they worth getting? Is there any scenario which a staff is better than rod + dagger?

Shield is only good in when you’re getting rap ed by mobs and try to get away.

So what do you guys think about staff?

Honestly, as you already have ignition, currently it seems that staffs are not worth it.

You can either go for a shield (which is very good at PvP, also Ledas shields gives you damage close to an Arde Dagger while giving you awesome defense)

It might be possible that Lolopanther staff overcomes Arde Dagger combinations but honestly, not by much.

I want an Ignition so bad T_T

That is true.
But if you have option for both then I think going full dps and full tank would be better than a little of both.

Is ignition actually that good?
I think it’s kinda overrated…

I have tested it and it is overrated …
Its kind of good but there are different options that are that good.
Maga Rod for example do pretty much the same dmg.
And maybe even some 220 basic rods if upgraded a bit further …
for me the burn ticket most of the time for ~say 250 dmg i think

I like the Audra a lot. DPS wise it is of course a bit worse than ignition + arde (Not by a lot though since 153 on an already 2k+ ticking spell isn’t the world), but the CC made it up for me since my two main spells proc it.

Frost ground or what it is called and hail both proc it going to a freeze chance on roughly 40% for hail and 15% for the other that ticks fast. With lightning that can also be seen as “extra” dps.

Ignition is not the best for it’s damage, it’s main point is actually the Burn side-effect, when you rely on multihit skills and Linkers or things like that, burns can mean a huge boost to your DPS, even if your skill hits don’t get stronger by themselves.

But in anyways, yes, ignition is not the only way to go and probably not even the best for most class choices.

The point of a Rod is you CAN switch between Dagger and Shield for damage and defense, with a staff all you can do is nuke.

All rods and staffs with sideeffects such as Audra and Ignition have to be considered in a very different way than raw DPS.

well to answer the question … its not really worth changing ur setup…
U can change arde to venom / ledas / otrava / karacha but there is not much difference besides less dmg from the shields and maybe more deff
The rod is changeable too but u will not find something much better.
The only staff combo which will outdps these combos is probably lolopanther staff or something u can upgrade way higher …


yeah but this ignite is way overrated , like i said even with high proc chance like frost cloud u add 2500 bonus dmg which even dont work on bosses …
40 more elemental dmg add btw 1200 bonus dmg and for 100%
