Tree of Savior Forum

Equipment / Skill / Stat inspect

I would like to suggest a feature that lets you stop people from inspecting your gear or build. Other games like WoW allow you to view a stranger’s gear and skill build, I’ve never liked that feature but it wasnt really a big deal in WoW since the game basically has set stats and all the gear is basically standard especially for PVP gear.

With a game like ToS, where a lot of thought and effort go into someone developing their stat and skill builds I would like it if there was a way to keep your hard work, thought and reasearch to yourself if you should choose. I know some people are getting tired of reading RO stuff, but honestly, I really liked that about earily RO, (I think they brought in an inspect feature later, but) the fact that your gear and stat build and skills were a mystery to people was nice and if you saw a really elite player you actually had to speak to them to ask advice and questions, rather than just opening a window and seeing all their secrets >_<

So basically, if gear and stat inspection are things that are planned for ToS, can we also have an option to not let that information be available to the public if we dont want.

:slight_smile: any ToS news updates comming soon? =3


that would be a great addtion imo. i like looking into people equips to see how op i can become :smiley:

I never hide my gear/stats, even if the game offer the option.
I just don’t get it why should people hide it.
Some friends usually look into my stats and see how am I doing.
There’s nothing to hide actually.

I would prefer to hide it so people cant tell me my wizard can’t be full vit. :smile:

This feature is already in the game. :smile:

which feature? the ability to inspect or the ability to choose to hide your character information to the public?

The former, for sure. I’m not sure if you can hide it as I never bothered to check, but it would make sense if you could.

Usually people do to avoid feeling ostracized. You could have someone look at your gear and then blame you for not dpsing, healing, tanking better because either your gear is not so good or you are not a great player. Several different reasons but the main reason being is to avoid people excluding you or insulting you based on your gear.


Not just that, with the fully customisable stat build and skill tree and armour type choices, developing a unique and really well thought out character can be a personal achievement. Some people don’t like peple just being able to copy all their hard work.

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i wouldnt mind people looking into my equips, but not my stats tho. and what if they could see your “evolution tree” too? o_o

I completely agree that gears/stats should be hidden by default or at least have an option to hide it from the public. Creative gears and build combinations are what can give some players an edge in the game and if everyone can just copy that build it kind of ruins the fun.

@Saber I agree. You should be judge on how you play your char and how you contribute to a party and not based on people’s predisposed assumptions of what a Wizard build should look like


I couldn’t care less about those people. I rather not to be with those elitist.
And also, if they’re saying something constructive, then it’s good. I’ll just work my way to be better.

As a nooby player not an elitist I’m saying I hate when ppl look at my equips and stats… because those elitists will start to say how my equips suck or how bad is my build… :sweat:

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Look it most LFP the party leaders inspects the equipment of the possible members of the party. Its those with better equips get the slot most of the time.

People should have the right to hide their equipments and stuffs if they feel like to. If you don’t want to hide them you should have the right to show them. Just because you don’t feel the need to do so doesn’t meant others have to be the same. Everyone has their own opinions and their ways of things, an elite is a person who doesn’t understand that and think his opinions have to be applied on others and people have to follow the way he thinks them should be.

It’s just a matter of putting a check box in the game. I don’t think there is much problem for this or any con isn’t it? If there is please explain it to me, I am willing to listen. If not then everyone can be happy with that simple solution. Why are you so against that? I’m sorry if I am misunderstanding something.

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I’m not against it.

I’m saying why you shouldn’t hide it.
You saying why it should be hidden

Then it will become an option.

Probably because I usually, if not always, play with friends or alone. These things never matter to me.
But maybe it’s different for people who usually play alone and join PUG party, it’s matter to them.

While I can appreciate this sort of sentiment (being a former RO player), the fact is that even before the Inspect function existed, there were already myriad threads in just about every RO server’s (including iRO) forums theorycrafting optimized stat and skill builds, as well as equips.

Even in a game as diverse and varied as RO, by its very nature, optimization is something that doesn’t allow for a lot of “leg room” as far as “personal touches” go.

More likely than not, to get the best damage against enemies/bosses/players, there’s going to be one single build (for each class) that’s “the best”; at most there may be two or three alternatives that each offer a few “different advantages” from the primary build.

What I’m trying to get at is that even if you manage to be the first one to develop/discover this “best build” through your “hard work”, at some point, multiple other people are also going to discover this build.

Because this is a social type of game, by the law of averages it follows that eventually, one of those “other people” is going to publicize the build(s).

In sum, what I’m trying to say is that even if a feature to hide your character’s info does exist, the absolute best use it would have is to “stop people from criticizing you based on your build/equips”.

I’m very hesitant to support features that cater to that type of “play nice, children” system in any social game, because they tend to stem from people who feel that the MMO should be a kind of “hugbox” where no one is ever “mean” to each other.

Not only is this patronizing, it would also cheapen the social aspect of the game by making it thoroughly unrealistic - not everyone you meet in real life is going to be nice to you, and there are always going to be people who criticize you for whatever reason.

People these days are already way too thin-skinned and inept when it comes to handling criticism (or confrontation of any kind); this is especially true for the “gamer” demographic, which has a higher index chance of having some kind of interpersonal/social disorder than the average person. This kind of feature only compounds the problem.

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It’s so that people don’t copy your build.
For example for PvP.

Assuming I understand your point from the last three paragraphs. I think you forgot that this is a game. Not social simulation for life. A feature like that would prevent some toxic behavior. Less toxic behavior makes the game more enjoyable. A game should be a something you want to participate in to relieve stress. I don’t need somebody to tell me I am doing my job wrong and then when I go home to play TOS and somebody views my build, they proceed to tell me that I am building my character wrong. I support a feature to hide my info so that I can avoid people whom think they know what is best for me. When all in all, after I get home I just want to play a fun game.


I’m totally agree with Aries. Just allow us to set up stat/equip visibility and everyone is happy either showing or hiding their “secrets”. It’s the matter of personal preferences anyway.