Tree of Savior Forum

Entering dungeon log out

I remember during CBT when the dungeon was full it just wouldnt let you in. Now it logs you out of the server. Why do the dungeons even get full? This is stupid.

At least i think thats the reason why its logging everyone out.

I just hit 50 and wanted to do a few dungeons to gain some levels before continuing and now i just have to completely skip it :frowning:

I can see why they wanted to put a limit on it at least. I hope they don’t remove the limit.

I don’t think this is being full, this is an issue that has been happening for 8+ hours now.

So this is a new thing that started today? It was something i concluded because of how it was in CBT… Maybe im wrong then.

Don’t get me wrong, I could totally be incorrect, but it it hard to believe that the dungeons would be capped since 1:00AM and never have an open spot. Naturally, I don’t work for them so i can’t really give too much information, just general assessments. <3

anyone know when going to fix it, i need to do my dungeons rsrs