Tree of Savior Forum

Enhancement should be capped at +15

He meant that the screenshot was from icbt2, meaning no golden anvil at that time.

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Oh, not sure about CBT, there were hunderds of cheaters back then, so everything is possible. It could be some testing services as well.

Sure, but they still grant limitlessly high chance to obtain 40+ gear. If you can get enough of them.

Since success chance is more then 50%, with enough GA chance to reach +40 is close to 100%.

The real barrier to upgrading isn’t the success rates it’s the costs, even whit GA you’ll fail on upgrades worth millions and have to retry and you can fail again.

Making a +40 lolophanther weapon would probably cost close to a billion gold even if you had unlimited GA.

Yeah, it’s true. That’s why I don’t think enhance system needs any changes, at least ATM.

i loved the 1/200000 drop rates in phantasy star online - anybody? o.o this topic gets boring xD

It’s actually pretty good on how it removes gold constantly from circulation which helps slow down the rate at which gold loses it’s value.

A main problem of a lot of MMOs is that often the high level gold sinks are stuff you’ll buy from other players and the gold just moves hands causing a massive stock pile of money in the end game and then gold loses value making everything cost more.

But there are -10% taxes for token users and -30% taxes for f2p players. So it wouldn’t stockpile that fast.

Also you need money for attributes and enhants, as you said. That’s why I hope we won’t have such problems in future.

And f2pers will probably buy tokens with silver as well.

I think a big reason to keep in high refine levels on items is that in it’s current form, players are taking weaker items with unique or desirable effects and refining them to be strong enough to compete with higher level gears, though not without heavy expense. This is an interesting dynamic I think, and worth keeping.


But potential loss is not exactly “chance to mess up” since it decreases upgrade level by 1 as well so you will have to cover up that fail with additional success. For 10 fails you will have to get 10 additional successes on top of required 31(if you count from +10 and upwards). So overall chance is about the same.

We already accounted for that. It’s just 40 trials with 30 successes for the maximum number you can try without losing the weapon. It makes a big difference. 0.0000001% is not 0.0001%.

Here is a table which shows roughly the chance to upgrade depending on potential:

Having more potential greatly increases the chance you will reach your target, it will just cost more.

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Golden Anvil item tool-tip will be changed:
This item can only be used on Equipment with 0 Potential, Even if the refine fails the equipment will not be destroyed. Enhancement levels are decreased by 1 for each failed refine, Failed attempts over +12 cause the equipment to reduce to +10.

I knew there was something tricky in golden anvils but I didn’t remember what… (This part is not new as I know.)

So imo the chances are so low with this that there is no way you will upgrade something to +40 with a golden anvil XD…Basically Golden anvil is only good to reach +15 maybe…
…or will you try to upgrade something with it to +40 and fail on +39? XDDDD

I’m not sure the translation is correct, I think it’s rather 15->13 then 15->10.

At least it was 15->14 before.

Or I’m wrong probably.

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I sure hope that’s the case! Would suck if your +17 drops all the way to +10 just because of one failed attempt!

Well that can be I don’t know…but I know I read this before so maybe Gwenyth translated it like this before too… I dunno. X)

@Gwenyth what do you think? :no_mouth:

The item information was never included in the announcement of the items implementation. But it was discussed in the KTOS Forum.

The Old Tool-tip:


So, that mean they just fix the golden anvil description, not nerf it.

Actually it looks like a buff, comparing to previous description. Now you have like +12 guaranteed with GA.

Guarantee? U make it look so easy to get. And yet, here i am. Dont even have enough silver to +5 my weapon. There is still chance to fail, and golden anvil not easy to get also >.>

ga is not game breaking.

  1. ga is untradable in any case
  2. ga drop is rate about 3-4 drop span to 3 char over 3 month play (~4hr daily). hardcore might get something like 20 over 3 month.
  3. ga is not garuntee enhancement success. same 50% for over +10
  4. you could “only” use ga on 0 potential equip.
  5. ga protect you from item loss but put it down to +10.
  6. you can spam ga forever but fail once you are reset to +10.