Tree of Savior Forum

English CBT2 Date?

It took for me about hour to download client in steam O.o

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Crossing our fingers.

I only have the dates for cbt2. ;__;

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It was announced for this Friday. Go re-check the announcement.

WHERE!? WHERES THE PROOF!?FOR THIS MIRACLE!? I don’t see it anywhere

Here is it :wink:

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doesn’t say anything about “this friday”

Maybe he said it CBT2 was announced on Friday? Just the announcement haha.

nope, he’s trolling :disappointed_relieved:

I guess I was wrong hopefully next week it the beta I grow tired of waiting I wanna kill stuff while shouting KAKAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

Oct 31st… 100% :smiley: :smiley:

Just kidding, it’s next Friday.


Wouldn’t they say late October? I have a feeling it’ll be sometime next week.


I hope you’re right my friend

They said it will start In October right?
Registration usually last a week give or take.
So 31th -7 days = 24th October

So the registration will be between the 10th-24th of October
I have a feeling that the registration will I start Monday 12th or Tuesday 13th.
And that the CBT 2 will begin the 20th October assuming there is no delays.

i think it will be mid October.

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i thought it would be this week
imc disappointed me :cry:

Because they really care -so much- about your expectations of their beta testing.

Be patient.

Xian was trolling at it’s finest level. When they have a date they will post a new thread regarding the info! woosh!