Tree of Savior Forum

Energy Bolt - Leave at 1 or level?

So I’m doing some last minute prepping and looking into building out a Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > War build, which seems to be popular from what I’ve read on here.

I’ve been thumbing through threads, looking for builds and stat opinions. I’ve stumbled onto a few different builds but one inconsistency I’ve seen is on Energy Bolt.

Some say to leave it at 1 and others mention that it’s useless to leave it that low and suffers from poor cast time.

I didn’t play much Wiz in the ICBT, so hoping to get some info on why there is a debate on this and get some thoughts on your take.

I’ve also seen opinions on Earthquake as well, so if there is a similar viewpoint you have on that as well, I’m curious to know.

Here is an example build I came across today: where you can see Energy Bolt 1 is utilized

Thanks for your thoughts

If you have EBolt 1 you simply won’t use it, 1 second cast time for somthing close to an auto-attack is too mucj.

I’m going either 5 or 8 for EBolt, that way with quickcast I can almost tap it’s button and it goes off already.

I’ve heard the instant-cast of it would be at level 11, at that point just tapping the button makes it come out already.

It’s up to you, but as you are going ELEMENTALIST I’d get it at 1, as you probably won’t even use it as filler. (I’d still combo it with sleep though)

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You damage will be based on (Wepon/M.Attack/Skill Attack). You can see that leveling energy bolt from 1~10 don’t give more then 120 skill attack, and since you have around 2k damage (when include wepon and M.attack) late game, this 120 will represente really few. But in the star will represent an “ok” porcentage of the damage.

My opinion is leveling that will be USELESS in the end and not so good in the start, so let this at level 1.

Some people think about leveling it because of an attribute that in max level make this skill get + 120% of you M.Attack, so it became (2.2M.Attack/Skill Attack/Wepon) wich make no sense, since the difference of the damage you give in Energy bolt level 1 and level 10 will continuos be 120, because this attribute just change the porcentage of you M.Attack.

Like EB it’s a skill that won’t became strong, the Skill attack won’t represent a lot. Since you going to have lot of good elementalist skill, suggest getting just 1 level in this skill. Because as I said, in the end of the day, the damage won’t be so different.

Finally I suggest you to invest a little bit more Reflect Shield, i Know you are a Wizzard and not suppose to take hits, but belive me, it happens… And since this skill are so great in the start and ok in the END, i’ll definetely pick it.

That is my opinion, and sy for my english, i know its not really good.
Hope I Helped!

“original” builds are more rewarding tho - tbh wiz 3 ele 3 war only looks good on paper and is pretty good for sustain damage - but not a flexible build like for example a cry 3 psy 3 (who is amazing in both pve and pvp) - you need a ton of dps and got guys to support your dps - sure // you got not enough CCish support in your team - pull out your CCish skills and provide more dps for your team this way // wanna own somebody 1 vs 1 badly - no problem! // wanna be god in tfs show off your cry/psy combos and punish your enemies!

wiz 3 ele 3 war is so meeeeeeehhhh nothing much you can do with it other than depending on team mates too much

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You might want to reconsider going elementalist with the frost cloud nerf confirmed - just throwing that out there.

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ya thats a huge nerf - ele 3 was viable cause of frost cloud wich is prob the best aoe sustain damage attack a wiz had - psy pressure is better now cause it scales with targets hit not aoe ratio + chance to stun dont forget about that wich is huge - frost cloud is just bad now xD

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Thanks for the thoughts @moises_andre12 and @ptiradentes, makes sense.

@sephi4321 @Lycoris_Virens - interesting, that’s news to me so thanks for the heads up!

The build is pretty cookie cutter, I agree. I’m mainly interested in a PvE focused build that can solo well through content but also bring something worthwhile to a party like you mentioned @sephi4321

That being said, do you have any thoughts on other builds to consider in that realm that may be better suited and not nerfed? hah

Thanks again!