The basic idea would be to spawn players in an arena and spawn waves of enemies of increasing difficulty until the players all die. You have to clear all the monsters in one wave to get to the next wave. Like Uphill except you don’t have to defend anything and it never ends.
It can start out with basic enemies and gradually become more and more elite enemies, all with higher and higher stats. It can slowly increase the density of enemies that can cast spells, inflict status ailments, etc.
No daily entry limit. No level limit. First wave scales to the level of your team and gets harder from there.
NO REWARDS TO FARM. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. Every mildly cool instance in this game (ET, Uphill, even TBL) has become something to farm because of how the rewards work. It’s made everything a chore. I suggest this idea as something to do in the game that doesn’t become a job.
If you really want to do rewards, you can do this:
- ONE COSMETIC ITEM after you clear wave 100 if you’re R7+. Obtainable once per character.
- Have a leaderboard (top 10) of what teams got the farthest that month. Award the people in the top 3 teams ONE COSMETIC ITEM. If your team has someone who already appeared in the top 3 in a previous season, the team cannot appear on the top 10 leaderboard, to encourage completely new teams to compete.
You could also give generic, cumulative rewards like talt every 10 waves to incentivize people to play but not incentivize them to abandon ship after a certain level.
If you want to have fun, you can also make leaderboards with weirder requirements, like “Top 10 of teams that were all lv1”, or “Top 10 of teams that had no armor equipped for the entire run”. “Top 10 teams of all time” would also work.