Tree of Savior Forum

End-game Content

The concept is EXPLORATION. Why i choose this? Because most end-game in MMOs will be repetitive raid kill boss and stuff. Sooner or later, it will become a no-brainer content with only priority is the equipments. This will quickly kill off mood of any casual and average players.

Exploration will focus on teamwork, classes synergy and communication. This is an MMO. Playing with AI-like or silent players are boring. There is a need to emphasize communication between players and some mechanics to encourage them to do so.

Example(s) of content:

  • Party member will be written short as just member

Dark Maze Dungeon

  • Every member will automatically accompany by a light fairy.(Originally it was a torch but doesn’t seem logically with hands full with weapon and shield) Each light fairy will combine together to make a greater lighting.

  • There will not be a map showing in minimap and pressing M. Routes must be memorised and there will be torch checkpoint. The fire will burn so strongly that it chases away monsters but only illuminate a small area. It will be safepoint for party to rest and discussing plan.

  • Fairies’ light will be soft and attract monsters coming near. Members will be encouraged to stick together to control density wave of monsters but separation is possible. There may be a need to separate a group of 2 and 3 or 2,2 and one scout to survey surroundings and unlock dungeon gimmicks.

  • Monsters will be having small red eyes. Slightly visible at dark. Monsters will have a smarter AI feature. They will target clerics,weak Def members and small HP members. They also get provoked when hit by critical damage and will unleash skill to get revenge. They get scared when on verge of death and run away to separate party members. Other monsters will catch separated members off-guard and group massacre them. This will applied to bosses as well.

  • A maze will have dead end but it does not come with just 3 walls. There will be hidden traps, hidden boss and hidden treasure chest. Traps can be spikes pop out, poison arrows shoot out, spinning wall separate some members to other side. Hidden boss must come out by surprise after accidentally step on gimmicks. It can be minotaur, cyclop, bashee and etc.
    Treasure chest can be lots of silvers, equipment materials, and headgears and run on RNG.

  • The map will run on RNG to rotate on any degree. It will give a new feeling and something to master again. It is to confuse members who intend to repeat going in dungeon just to memorise route.

Class role :
Swordsman - Taunt and tank / Semi DPS with AOE ratio advantage
Archer - Main DPS / Scout with invisibility
Wizard - CC / Semi DPS/Support buff
Cleric - Heal / Revive / Barrier / Semi DPS / CC

Final Boss :

Dragon / Guardian / Devil
How boss fights
Members fighting by surrounding the boss and running in circles to evade attacks is a BIG NO.

  • Boss should be smart, high in pride and wrath when provoked.
  • Boss can fly or jump around to heal itself.
  • Boss has stamina bar that can be decreased by constantly attacking and result in temporary stun of fatigue.
  • Boss will target low HP and low Def members so that members will feel the need to protect their comrades.
  • High damaging and frequently critical members will be counter by boss using knockdown / knockoff(fly away) / debuff / abnormal status effect.
  • Boss will have change of behavior attack pattern in different HP bar. Spamming skills and uncertainty how many times boss spam the skill is a BIG NO. It is not innovate and shows developers are just recycling stuff to make content harder.
  • Boss will have wide area damaging skills. Members will required to stay on safe spots or activate certain mechanism to protect themselves.

Every member will be given equal portion of rewards. This is to eliminate bias to compete top dps ranking.

Cart Riding Dungeon

  • There will be five carts leading to different tunnel respectively. Each cart can only contain one member. The cart will auto return back to starting point once the cart is empty.

  • Each tunnel connect to a valve room that will differ by running in RNG. The purpose of clearing valve room is to get key to boss room which require 5 keys.
    Valve room no. :

  1. Spider queen (Shoot webs restrict movement)
  2. Grim Reaper (Disappear and ambush to cause knockdown)
  3. Cyclops (Shoot lasers to flyoff members)
  4. Mother bashee (Scream cause silent status)
  5. Giant ghoul (Vomit poisonous pool cause poison status)
  • Members will accumulate their keys in one member. This will open a new rail with large cart capable containing 5 members.

Final Boss and Rewards will be same as above.

Sometimes i will come back and update this idea for further improvement.


I love the idea, I missed the part of every MMORPG’s sense of adventure, where you explore and not just a no brainer raid/dungeon every single day with meta builds and such.

But I’m also afraid that this will take time,money and attention to detail and not to mention the upcoming bugs which will thrive for weeks (especially with our version IToS) or months if got worse, and with IMC’s kindergarten bunch of programmers I dont think this will be… ugh… you get the point.

or maybe we will get IMC’d again, huehuehue :sparkles:

I wish we have randomize dungeon (map lay-out) :confused: so boring running the same dungeon map every single day.

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Ya, i did think of this problem. No auto mapping feature. And if you rotate the map to any degree, it can easily confuse many.

In real life, one can’t easily switch writing right hand to left hand or right driver seat to left driver seat. It is nothing special but it feel like something new to master.

EDIT: Updated the idea :slight_smile:

Bump! Edited with a small update on boss fight. :grin:

As long as every single build can join, it’s fine. Not like ET, it’s a shitty dungeon ever.


Yes, this idea is intended for every build. I can’t really list out in detail every class role as i haven’t play most builds.

ET is a time attack dungeon. Confirmed by developers that it is not endgame content. ET also heavily emphasize the need of Discord to coordinate members to kill every single mob. CC and taunt is made to be too vital in running ET.

@Marad I heard that it is a good game but the graphics really sucks compare to the advertised pictures. And it is run by Nexon, a money sucking expert.

Indeed, the graphics are old because of the game’s age. However, they aren’t horrible. Personally I found the game pretty weird at the beginning, but then my love for it and its look started to grow. Also the community is a wonderful jewel. There are many reasons that made me stay and enjoy the game to its full potential. Even these days, I am still playing and enjoying every moment there. Definetely it wasn’t a regrettable decision. I’d recommend it to everyone lol

By the way, Nexon started to get better in terms of support and cash-shop items since some time. The team does a much better job, I can see they are truly doing their best to help us and answer our questions, instead of ignoring us or just sending a kind of robotic message. I really appreciate and respect their work now. Also the cash-shop items (at least Mabinogi-related items) are basically cosmetics, new pets (which can be mounts or not) and other stuff that you can just ignore (basically you can buy everything from players, but those items don’t give you such a visible advantage)

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NO, NO! 20chrchrchrchrchr

Bump. Have updated the idea a little…

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Like the classic concepts. I personally love the old roguelike games that embodied this type of exploration. Difficult but worth exploring the idea.

New fresh types of content like the above can pull players that left or players that were on the fence back to the game. You just have to do it right.

  1. Make sure there is a low bar of entry to try the new thing.

  2. Finish other major improvements before you have new blood coming in. Like FPS and jerking issues.

  3. Make sure you take extra care to polish the new content. Make your QA team take their time for once.

  4. Finally hype the sh*t out of it. Talk about it in Q&As as soon as you decide it’s doable. Even if it’s months before release. Make news posts about it. Sneak peaks. Have Maggi explain the ascetics for the new art assets while cosplaying in her favorite ToS outfit.

  5. Soak up the happiness of your players and watch vacation money roll in.

After of course you fix the bugs when it hits live, have emergency patches, work yourself so hard you start crying and chewing on diner napkins. Then finally go home to a shower that doesn’t consist of alcohol wipes and hand sanitizer because someone decided to mention the estimated release schedule. And the forums are having a hay day QQ’ing about it. Afterward return to a soft bed and your favorite lady or man that puts up with your shitty work schedule. Though more realistically, prostitute, onahole, or other. Then drink yourself half to death and finally enter a drunken dreamless sleep knowing for once you’ve bought happiness to “7%” more of your user base while the rest continue to angst about something you don’t have time to deal with. Screw them though because you already got your f*ck you money in the bank. And that fancy $300 dollar pillow you bought in the shape of a giant pair of breasts feels god damn amazing.




Bump! I think the 2nd idea ended weirdly… I need some feedbacks

Not bad; However, I’d like it more if there was a dungeon where there is no boss in the end to fight and instead, you’d have to cautiously advance through a dungeon with lots of monsters and traps. Deaths inside should result in a perma death for that day, resulting in a warp back outside and the dungeon run being used up.

The dungeons should have several floors(5-10), and a treasure chest at the end of each floor for each party member. However, at the beginning of the dungeon, they should only recieve 1 key each that is not stackable (meaning if you have one key in the inventory, you wont get another one when you reenter on a second run) to open one of the chests at the end of the floor, meaning you can play safe and open an early chest or play risky for maybe greater spoils later on.

The chests at deeper floors should yield better items, but there should also be hidden chests spawned randomly inside the dungeon at any floor that may yield even better loot, but require special abilities to become triggered (e.g. a Dievdirbys has to place a statue on a large switch on the ground to disarm the trap, or a Sadhu has to walk through some bars during OOB and kill a specific guard on the other side to enter the room).

This would favor some odd classes/combinations and provide fun for everyone, not just cookie cutter builds/combinations that can kill boss xyz the fastest…