Tree of Savior Forum

Encourage bot reporters

maybe give top ranking for top bots reporters… and successfully banned bots which player reported will be rewarded with ingame item, or TP ?

Nope, we are already reporting shitload of bots everyday. They don’t have to give anything.

encouragement? tons of bots are already banned, you get good farming spot without them. there you go…

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Lol, don’t turn reporting bots into a bounty hunting. This will only make things wrong and encourage greedy people for all sorts of actions.

I’m spending 1-2 hours a day purposely patrolling certain maps and reporting bots. And you know what’s the best reward? Seeing fu**ers disappear.

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  1. Collect several main accounts and bring them to same map and channel.
  2. Bring a “bot account” to the same place.
  3. Spam several times about N website.
  4. Get reported from main accounts.
  5. ???
  6. PROFFIT!!

honestly i don’t care for a reward but i Would like the bot reporters to have a hierarchy system.

meaning the more you report and the admins Notice that you were right, for you to get a + 1 Point in reliability or w/e way you wanna set it up but with this idea in mind.
A ranking not to give you a reward but to show how reliable You are to the Admins whenever they Work on reading reports for them to have an easier time investigating the issue faster.
the more You are known as a reporter the more likely it is that they will read your report faster seeing as you are trustworthy to go and check out the Bots and Suspend their accounts faster.

make this into a personal Rank that is invisible and only gms can see.

but to be honest i though this Was already Happening, but i didn’t see anywhere on the forum mentioning this idea, stroke me as odd, i guess i just thought of it and assumed someone else must have too.

come on…bots have feelings too. seen one and spammed him with friendly duel request…miraculously he accepted and I raped his ass…best moments of TOS for me :joy: