Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanting to +25 pattern , maybe bug or maybe just luck?

okay so i tried to enhance my stuff using this dude pattern,

somehow i reach +15 easily only with potential 1 loss

here is my maga bow +15

so upgrading is a pattern after all?


Yeah sure pattern.


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The amount of real-time witnesses are too damn high!

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There is no pattern, you either succeed or you don’t. Each item has a it’s own roll on success/fail.

based on the video,

dude upgrade his low item until he got 2 consecutive fail, then upgrade the main weapon. just like that and boom success.

but hey he failed tho at +23 :joy:

The question is: are they (each item enhancement) independent events? If yes, there is no point on the “pattern” showed by the video.

The guy watering the anvils! Its all about him.

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Atleast this method seems more legit and legal than crashing the channels lol


Confirmed. This works like a charm :heart_eyes: new hope to +15 LoL

well atleast already got my bow to +15 :wink:

I wish I knew this sooner. Just enough silver to make it to 13. I will wait for Silver anvil and take it to +15 :grin:

That’s just placebo. You just tried and made it, every try is 51% anyways.

yeah 51 % is big number, compared to other mmorpg only 10-30% chance at higher upgrading level…

so basically you have the same chance when upgrading between +10 to +11 and +24 to +25

No, I think this works. I tried on Grand cross (to +11) and Isba (to +13). Both work with no fail. if not, well, I am so lucky today :slight_smile:

Man I made a Dunkel Falchion +13 while trying to fail (low level item) to try this stuff. But my krausas failed from +7 to +8. Placebo. (Yes, i’m REALLY unlucky)

Anyway, this is totally legal and much more better than any exploit/crash channel. :relieved: feel so comfortable

Indeed. Man, even if its placebo, good thing he encouraged you guys to try upgrading your stuff and you succeeded. Legit way.

not working lol. wasting 700k+ silver and my main wep downgraded 2 times. do not try. it.

lol This reminded me of some nexon game based on irish lore (Vin). But they might have patched that already :grin: Server lag + Successful Enhancement= Profit
+5 to a +15 on one go.