Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanting to +25 pattern , maybe bug or maybe just luck?

Confirmed. This works like a charm :heart_eyes: new hope to +15 LoL

well atleast already got my bow to +15 :wink:

I wish I knew this sooner. Just enough silver to make it to 13. I will wait for Silver anvil and take it to +15 :grin:

That’s just placebo. You just tried and made it, every try is 51% anyways.

yeah 51 % is big number, compared to other mmorpg only 10-30% chance at higher upgrading level…

so basically you have the same chance when upgrading between +10 to +11 and +24 to +25

No, I think this works. I tried on Grand cross (to +11) and Isba (to +13). Both work with no fail. if not, well, I am so lucky today :slight_smile:

Man I made a Dunkel Falchion +13 while trying to fail (low level item) to try this stuff. But my krausas failed from +7 to +8. Placebo. (Yes, i’m REALLY unlucky)

Anyway, this is totally legal and much more better than any exploit/crash channel. :relieved: feel so comfortable

Indeed. Man, even if its placebo, good thing he encouraged you guys to try upgrading your stuff and you succeeded. Legit way.

not working lol. wasting 700k+ silver and my main wep downgraded 2 times. do not try. it.

lol This reminded me of some nexon game based on irish lore (Vin). But they might have patched that already :grin: Server lag + Successful Enhancement= Profit
+5 to a +15 on one go.

sub product of making +15 LoL.

Next thing you tell me will surely be about this ‘Succes-Per-Anvil’ rate? Just like DPK. Very interesting.

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well the owner of the video trying to proof that upgrading to +25 with lot of potential left is not impossible in legit way…

This is good!

Better do it in front of the Equipment Merchant in Fedimian, so you can get the hidden quest on it and have a free warp to Fedimian as long as you don’t pass the quest to him.

I tested this and it doesn’t work anymore

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theres a lot of people getting +20+ weapons doing this way

This method is nothing more than an encouragement video. People always stay afraid to upgrade their items.
So a 51% rng is a high value.

ya it doesnt work ;p