Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanter Possible Paths

So, as the title suggests, what do you guys think are good paths to enchanter? Should we only look for classes that can produce scrolls via the Craft Magic Scrolls skills or should we look forward to the equips enchants we can produce later on and the Lightining enchant which, at lvl 5 already gives + 500 damage which is kinda neat?

[ In all honesty, cryomancer should have an Enchant: ice skill, but nevertheless]

since at the present time, we can not see enchanter to be taken in end game challenges like ET, without fair number of attributes or friends, does not mean that we need to build a character that would be only a scroll mule, so i will give my suggest below, that would not only allow the enchanter to be of use in PVE but would also be a very nice wiz to play on PVP as well.
I would build a good wiz3 linker2-3/rune WL enchanter.
why is that: first with wiz3 linker2 you offer a very good sup, runecaster and wl seems to be the odd balls of the build, but i will explain; first runecaster>> right now with the current buff of rune of destruction and so on, runecaster can offer a very nice damage for PVP aspect that with high attributes you can see damage as high as 10-15k , and let’s not forget that when there is many players together the fragments would do more damage>>> WL there is no reason to talk about the benefits of WL for pvp, everyone already knew, so i will talk about him in pve.
WL>> besides the PVP aspect i have said before, we have seems videos of a pole scroll, doing almost the same damage as normal pole when it’s been use by a WL, mainly because the scroll when is being use by someone who have the spell, the attributes and so on will also work, so you will be able to be a WL with 2 pole, this may be seems as bad for hardcore content , but for PVE 2 pole plus linkers and MM is more to enough for all “normal” content.
final note:
of course there will always have the SUPP path, mainly the cyro3 chrono3, that can simple taken enchanter to have a one extra supp ability, but for me i believe that the one who focus in damage with the mix of wl-linker-runecaster not only allow the user to play with the character besides being a scroll mule, would also allow the users to have a fair nice of scrolls to sell like MM(i believe ; need to check)> linker> WL scrolls, right now they may be seems as fair expensive to have-use,besides ones like pole, but in the future we may see a nerf on the price to make them, so you would have a fair nice arsenal of scrolls to use/sell as well and let’s not forget about the lightning spell from enchanter as well, that now have been fix, and work great with multi hit skills like the ones from WL like pole and dark theurge.

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