Tree of Savior Forum

[Enchanter] Help me fill in the blanks... please? :D

The build is Wiz1 - Pyr1 - Lin1 - Tha3 - War1 - Ench

I dress up this alt with +11 Windia Rod and +10 Lionhead Shield, also +6 Warmage Set.

I tried it with pure INT and pure SPR and I’m leaning more towards the SPR variant. Also, I always have a Lv5 Daino (+6 buff slots) to use on people, so no worries.

Pretty much I need help filling in the blanks for skill distributions. The pre-allocated skills are what I won’t go without. :slight_smile:

Also, I need insight on how Thaumaturge 3 interacts with things, anything hidden or unusual I should know about?


I will post first the modifications, since my guess is that you want a farmer char too.

Go with SPR and you won’t have issues with SP being able to pack a punch same way.

I don’t think there’s much difference except on more levels in Swell spells and a new one to fill more damage into the cannon.

I did reset my old Chrono Enchanter yesterday to Pyro 1 > Linker 2 > Thauma 2 > FF 2 (I started this build with Wiz 2 > Linker 1 > Thauma 3 > FF 2).

In all honesty, I don’t regret changing 1 rank from Thauma to Pyro 1, also FB, despite being utterly screwed in the new design, still useful to finish off dying mob, you can also go with FW if you don’t like FB.

Take notice that unfortunately you can’t keep Swell Brain 100% up like the arms, so for me was a bit of a turn off on my first build.

It’s a pretty fun class to play, if you are teamed up with a Linker (even tho JP got fucked hard) you can still use Swell Body to get good loot.

As for Enchanter, I generally take Spell Shop, Spell Book and Enchant Light. The other 2 seem to be bugged.

I’m hopping that Enchanter C2 get some good love from the devs.

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Yo yo yo! Thanks much~ hmm… it looks almost identical to what I currently have save for Fireball being at Lv1 with the Burn Attribute learnt and Lv4 Flare. I was kinda hoping that in the off chance an enemy gets burned, I can “ignite” it with Flare (ala Dragon Nest’s EL). Doesn’t seem to work?

Also for Enchanter, since I won’t be doing another shop char (Pyr1 + Tha2 + War1 are chosen for scroll making), is getting Empowering more beneficial (increases SP from what I’ve seen) than Agility (I’m not sure if it even works at all)?

I was hoping to use this char as a scroll making slave, while I can always slap some +11 gear on it when I’m bringing it for Saalus runs (probably not going 290 DG on this anymore). I kinda went Tha3 to get Swell Brain and give more magic attack to peeps. There’s a lot more MATK-based chars now from what I’ve noticed :stuck_out_tongue:

If there’s another class I can slap on (to replace Tha3 but keep Tha2), what would you suggest? Or do I just drop the Lin1 altogether if I’m not gonna Swell Body any mobs anytime soon?

You can take Flare, it works well, any kind of burn effect can be used to trigger it, yes, that also include Ignition’s burning effect.

I can’t say much about Empowering, some say it works others say it don’t, I tried it and in all honesty, apart from the SP increase I didn’t saw anything else, then again, if you are going with SPR instead of INT, you won’t even bother with that since you can just sit for 10 seconds to get half or more than half of your SP back.
In my build for FF I don’t even use SP pots, except when I find these nasty Elites that use SP Drain.[quote=“DiMeowgio, post:3, topic:361181”]
I was hoping to use this char as a scroll making slave, while I can always slap some +11 gear on it when I’m bringing it for Saalus runs (probably not going 290 DG on this anymore). I kinda went Tha3 to get Swell Brain and give more magic attack to peeps. There’s a lot more MATK-based chars now from what I’ve noticed :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed some might get benefit from Brain, in my case since I team up most with an archer friend EF from Pyro is good for her as an extra line of damage.[quote=“DiMeowgio, post:3, topic:361181”]
If there’s another class I can slap on (to replace Tha3 but keep Tha2), what would you suggest? Or do I just drop the Lin1 altogether if I’m not gonna Swell Body any mobs anytime soon?

Since you got 1 in Linker get the second for 8 targets, more targets better, and since Swell Body is Lv 10 (8 targets) it would work well together.

Thanks for the insight, I think I got everything :slight_smile:

I will try Lin2-Tha2 tomorrow and see how that feels. :sunny:

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I tried agility. Did basically nothing.

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Question, has the pure SPR really worked out well with this build? I have become curious about the outcome of your testing haha.

Here’s some screenies of the outcome (naked -> geared -> swell brain applied) so you have a baseline for comparison:

I’d say go INT if you also want to increase your personal DPS more than you party’s other mages… going SPR isn’t that far behind in damage to be honest with you.

I ultimately ended up with my original idea of Wiz1-Pyr1-Lin1-Tha3-War1-Ench.

The idea behind this character is to make Enchant Fire, Reversi and Pole of Agony scrolls while still be useful outside of that scenario:

You’ll probably accomplish more if you change a few classes and/or switch to Tha2 only (if you don’t want Swell Brain):

Swell Brain (naked vs geared vs everything applied):

Enchant Fire:

Enchant Lightning:

Swell Left Arm:

Swell Right Arm:

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