Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanter c2 Lightning Hands


Does aoe attack ratio has any effect to lightning hand?

Will it hit more target?

It does.



Thank you for testing it

wow this skill is great.

Really this skill is the best of all new skill.

can you test if spiritual chain can pass lightning hands to others and how it would affect their attack? also if it can stack with running shot maybe? I saw you have linker2 so I thought you could check

So it provides additional lines to Auto Attack like Chaplain’s Aspergillum ?
Or you just wore Cafrison set ?

And will Quicken boost its animation speed ?
I saw some videos that with Quicken they appeared to attacked twice while jumping .

Thank you for testing by the way 0v0b


I have another question @.@’’'
Can you test if it’s possible to use dagger attack after jumping and auto attacking ?
Like the video below showed :

Sorry for so many questions …
But i really want to know @.@

Seems the perfect skill to use with linker, sad part is that linker is utterly screwed up to a party play, so my chrono build is gonna be like this> (bye bye sage)

Chrono, sorcerer?
Quicken + cat buff

Enchanter can fit into many builds, but it all depend on playstyle and content.

Any frozen ability can boost electric damage, enchant earth can synergy with subzeo-shield,
frostpillar grouping for lightning aoe attack.

C1 CatBuff can +5 AoE and 100 Dark Attack for lightning hand, Summoning fit into AutoAttack as well especially if you have Marnox Card. You lost INT for SPR, but the auto attack gain from summon will worth it. It is kind of hybrid build, but you+summon both contribute to total aoe attack while summon also help you in infinite mobs luring and tanking a bit.

Joint penalty good for solo and HG340 farming and 50% lightning damage / reduce AoE Def / Kill Faster, Lifeline good for sharing dex for attack speed, spr/int can boost enchant lightning and spr good to share with SR3/BM as well.

Maximize the Matk, but the most important is shrink for bonus 120% damage bonus.

Increase the attack speed to improve the damage output.

I think pyro enchant fire is too weak to make significant impact and u can replace by scroll.
But anyway, it is good filler for non cryo build.