Tree of Savior Forum

Enchanter c2 builds

Hello, I need help defining my build, what are the viable options we have to Enchanter c2
(can be DPS or Support), other than the classic farm build with linker and thauma? Thanks a lot for the help. :smile:


The main strat is to gather+lock mobs down with Mag Force, Heavy Gravity, and Ice Pike and wipe them out with AA, which does (613% matk + flat bonuses) per strike after factoring in the three extra lines you get from Enchant Fire (scroll), Sacrament, and Lightning Hands and is increased by 95% whenever you hit mobs in the frozen state (multiplier assumes you have 3 Hydra Cards equipped).

A sub-strat is to use Raise to give you ample time to ride your summon and unleash its skills.

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Cryo3>Chrono3>Enchanter2 is still decent

My current build is wiz1-cryo3-ele3-ench2. Ice Pike + Electrocute for everything that doesn’t resist Freeze, AA for everything else. The only thing I don’t like with this build is getting interrupted on half the skills and lacking a bit of MATK (it’s not my main so I didn’t overenchant/transcend my weapon), so I’m planning to change into wiz2-cryo1-ele3-thauma1-ench2 once we get another reset event for wizards (Onmyogi should be on its way no?).

BTW I really hate having 2 circles just for 5 points in Lightning Hands… the skill is excessively good, but there’s nothing aside really worth putting points into.

How are you getting by with the lack of Surespell in the build? Freeze only lasts five seconds (enough for maybe one cast of Electrocute/Hail/Meteor) and Frost Pillar doesn’t come out often enough.

It’s annoying, yes, that I can relate to, as I have Ele2 in my build.

I don’t… it’s just killing me. That’s why I plan on resetting that char.

Well Ice Pike and Electrocute have 3/4 overheat, so I use that combo 3 times in a row.

Well well well… I posted that one hour ago, and guess what announcement we did get in the meantime?

What do you guys think of Wizz 3 / Thauma 3 / RC / Enchater 2 or Wizz 1 / Pyro 2 / Thauma 3 / RC / Enchanter 2?

I tried both. Pyro is better (I still have it) , especially due aoe and one more line of AA and you will have a CC skill

I tried both and I prefer the first. Less skill to use so you can use more RC skill(which are decent) and auto atk. You can just buy scroll in market for enchant fire.