Tree of Savior Forum

Enchant scrolls wtf

Bought 2 x 10 scrolls bundles. Used 10 scrolls on an hair accessories #2 didint get a single 3 lines enchant. Used a second bundle of 10 scrolls and only got 1 x 2 lines (shitty) and one 1 x 3 lines (even shittier). Is it a normal trend or am I just unlucky ? If its business as usual, well idk what to say about that system.

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You are playing with RNG…that’s to be expected.


Welcome to RNG hell. Pray to RNGesus for salvation. Hugs.

Someone posted this to me a while back, and yet I will still probably gamble again. x3


well its randomize so getting 3 stats that synergize well, im more happy with 2 stats that fit well together than 3 lines of crap

thats really it.


O look another RNG ■■■■ post.

Oh, THAT’S how those scrolls work?

I thought each one just added a random stat, and you just use 3 for 3 random stats.

Didn’t know that everytime you just roll to reset the thing completely

make sure you do your research to know what is it. I used like 30 scrolls last night and i got something that was worth 8 mil… i would have missed it if i didn’t price check it

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With free TP, bundles are a waste.

is move speed 1 the highest move speed bonus?

from what i have seen it is the highest and it is worth a good amount

I’m really content with myself atm.


lottery tickets wtf

I bought 5 and only matched 2 numbers, bought 5 more and only 1 number matched.

lyke wtf?

Wow…that luck…gratz…

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Ty, ty. Bows.
