Tree of Savior Forum

Enchant rounds damage? (enchanter's bombs)

i was cheking the damage of tis items and i notice Elemental damage gibe twice much that Matk or Patk may be with taumaturge and a mace it will deal a loot of damage, and tis item can be usen when u cast or chaneling so is a plus damage to every build.
may be the best build to use tis items will be W3 Tauma3 RC Enchanter


Maybe it takes elemental damage twice because it is a property that is applied to both physical and magical attacks individually.

Still damage will only go so high. Can you use the bomb on PvP tho?

i tjink the same like the max damage aplies from the red gems give damage to physical and magical

It does not take elemental damage into account twice. Only once.

As a Thaumaturge 3 + Enchanter, most I can make them do is about 2800 damage. Which is bad.

Just avoid the attribute, it’s a waste of silver.