Tree of Savior Forum

Enable R1+L2 and L1+R2 to trigger new hotkeys


As it stands, gamepad users in end game end up having to swap to Set 2 just to function with their existing skills, instead of its intended function of just having a 2nd set of hotkeys.

Right now R1, L1, R2, L2, and R1+L1 are available to trigger our hotkeys. My proposal would add R1+L2 and L1+R2 on that existing list, and give gamepad users 8 new hotkeys to play with on the fly.

This will also future-proof the game for gamepad users, as you add new ranks and skills gamepad users will be in trouble. We need the extra hotkeys!

@STAFF_John Please let me know what you think! Can you pass this along?


R9 wasn’t even relieased and I have all my hotkeys on set1 with skills :stuck_out_tongue:

Also,I got 6 hotkeys used in the set 2

I believe the controller setup was done that way so that you have the same amount of slots as a keyboard and mouse player(Counting with the second set, of course)
However, I see how that would be very helpful so here’s hoping you get your wish.

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Yeah my skill bar is already full with my inquisitor chaplain…

It also would be great if they could make controllers fully configureable… and also differentiate the analog stick from the d-pad…

I would make a lot of stuff differently…

I actually think we could get 5x4 new hotkeys and that would be more than enough. r1+r2, l1+l2, r2+l2, r1+l2, l1+r2

Then “rest” could be the down d-pad key for example…and switching to the 2nd skill set could be…the right d-pad key maybe…etc.

O I’m dumb you can’t switch there sorry… Well then I still rather would have 1 skill set than 2… XD

Or… to make it fair again then I guess keyboard and mouse players could get a second skill set too… :smiley:

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Yeah I understand that, but on the fly it is rather tricky muscle-memory to swap to set two, use your skill/item, then swap back to set one.

Compare that to keyboard where everything is at your fingertips.

Nuuu, I wouldn’t want to subject keyboard users to the same issues I have, lol. Maybe I am just getting old, but once and a while I need to look down to remember where my skills are. :c

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Aw… hell no… XD I meant if we would get our 40 hotkeys and still would have the 2nd set too… then they could get their 40 hotkeys second skillbar too…

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I don’t have issues with my quickslots,though.
It’s easy to shift your preferred skills to set 1 and your long lasting skills to set 2. As far as I calculated right, you’d have a maximum of ~27 skills, where you’d move Aspersion, Sacrament, Revive, Ressurection, Mass Heal, Fade, Deploy Capella to your second skilltab. That way you’d have 20 filled slots.

Later on you could just move Last Rites and Aspergillum to the 2nd tab,too to have space for the new Inquisitor skills. When hitting Inqui C3, you’d most likely exchange some minor skills from your main slots anyway, if you can’t use them efficiently anymore because most new class skills have low CD times (sth. below 30 seconds) so they’d just steal time from your rotation of skills.

They could give an optional way to shift skillbars,though, e.g. by pressing select or start, as opening the menu tab doesn’t do anything anyway currently, or putting it on the right stick button to make switching skillbars easier and happening less times on accident when you want to quickly switch between R2 and L2…

In the mean time, you can put other quick-use skills on the R2 and L2 areas of Set 2. These work the fastest as you press R2+L2 together but only release one of them to access that area, then repress to reset to Set 1. All my characters have their potions on Set 2, L2.