Tree of Savior Forum

EleSorc Unique Raid Solo Rush

Full SPR

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WIth the kind of gear you have in that video, you can be full -STR- or even just not bothering to add stats at all, and still beat the boss :expressionless:

I want to know what you can’t do with high enhancement + stage 10 transcendence in this game.

The name should be chanced to Tree of Upgrades.

He use T10 Primus staff with blue gems and highly enchanted. He switches SPR armor + weapons for summoning and then switches to INT+CON armor + staff for HP and MATK. (Using cwSet addon)

This just showcases that IMC can’t balance defence,HP and atk of monsters in correspondence with the player.

Why do I have to suffer against the raid mobs while such a player can breeze through the content just because his attacks deal more damage and he has access to better equipment (twohanded weapon,5 gem sockets)?

It would be better to make the monsters HP/defence/etc variables that scale with the players attack/defence/Class (e.g. Shadowmancer getting tougher and more monsters to kill than Kabbalist when entering the raid dungeon solo) so that mixed parties became more favorable since the monsters wouldn’t become so beefy&strong.

And it would still challenge the better-equipped players while not overloading the badly balanced Classes/poorer/casual players…

Also, more broken balance (Marnox).
Sorcerer should be toned down a bit and make all summons have ± equal strength [meaning Marnox&Netherbovine getting nerfed to the level of other summons like Rikaus] similar to how there is no difference in attack between normal, wheelchair and scale zombie.

It’s boring to see only Gorkas,Netherbovine,Necroventer and Marnox as summons just because the others are not viable.

There is no way to scale things to your stats (blizzard tried and people raged on it)

you have to “suffer” because you are not grinding/spending as much time/money in the game as, in this case, little samson.

on paper it does sound good, but it would make people to be lazy and not to try to get stronger is enemies get automatically stronger to you, lol…

Marnox is still rare/hard to get, if you take time to fight him, don’t you think that you deserve to have somethng that is worth the time spent?

there’s people that preffer other summons, the ones that you see are easier to access anyway… (all but marnox) I ued to use templeshooter he is good but not enough, I still have him for bosses that dont run around.