Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist's New Skill: Elemental Essence

Did anyone notice something strange with Elemental Essence?
Accordingly with the skill description, the buff was supposed to last for 60 seconds, regardless of the skill level. However, the buff duration is only 20 seconds. Is it a bug or the skill description is wrong?

I hope it’s just a bug, since Elementalist’s skills (eletrocute, meteor - and other elemental based skills) take some time to be casted without quickcast. Also, the class already lost much power without its overheats, stone curse is still a joke and fire claw is not that impressive…


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Im hoping it’s a bug on the duration not a mistype on the description…
Elemental Essence already takes up 10 skill points if you want to maximize its effects giving it a 20 seconds duration will make this skill undesirable.

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It’s 20 seconds.

The initial release of Re:Build had a typo that stated a 60 second duration and this might still exist on the website, but it was already corrected in game.


Thank you.

It’s sad to know that. Too much skill points for little use.