Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist, Why old builds

Why alsays and always pick wizard circle 3 for elementalist build? Elementalist cast times are not long except meteor.

Why not Wiz>Cryo>Cryo>Cryo>Ele>Ele>Ele

And psycho or wiz2 if playing the game solo

I heard from a few person “There is a good and old build in public build and everyone is making it”

Cryomancer/Chronomancers are not everywhere you know.

wiz2 no matter wat for Surespell in my opinion. I have Wiz1Cryo3Ele3Rc1, and i’mgonna go wizard 2 for rank 8 most likely.

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warlock2 is big improvement in terms of damage, it can fit very well in every Ele3 builds.

I personally made this build, featuring Pyro2, since it’s a perfect for boss and PVE

If you want Cryo3, losing damage but increasing CC and utility, this build is great

these are just examples of how not-meta builds with Ele3 work really well

so go to earth tower and try to cast some ele spells like electrocute/hail without wizc2 (at last) while fighting at floors like 21/26/31/36 or boss floor like 30 or 35 :slight_smile: ofc these builds are nice but stil ele skills need wiz2 imo (not always ofc) cryo ele with rune caster can be nice too but still this build will not shine without wiz 2 cuz most of your skill can be interrupted :frowning:

Besides that, with “rebalance patch” in ktos ( dunno if that patch is in eu too ) psycho3cryo3rune caster will be played too

Rune of destruction cast time is something between 3 and 7

Cast time is not long,but also not short enough.

Earth tower higher floors are really strict in terms of class picking. I agree with you :sweat_smile:

In general PvE, saalus, missions, etc. non-Wiz2 is perfectly fine as it’s just control of the aggro, timing and skills’ rotation (just my opinion)

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