Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist/warlock experts come

Hi, i wanna ask you guys who have wiz3-elem3-WL2.

Are energy bolt and sleep used often at end game? I was thinking about giving up one of them for reflect shield.
I just found out that reflect shield will not only reflect damage, it also protects you (you lose 1 HP when hit), thus I think reflect shield is actually worth maxing even though most people would disagree.

Let me know your experiences, thanks.

Energy bolt is good as a filler skill if maxed while sleep is often use in ET for crowd control
Reflect shield will be good again when the buff count restriction is lifted but as of now there are tons of other buff much more useful than reflect shield.

Thanks. So energy bolt is more of a filler, but with many skills from elem and warlock, is it often used? I felt like this build will be too busy with all those skills that there really isnt too much cool down time for fillers to be used. Again, im not experienced so i cannot judge yet.

Do some testing first if you feel like your char has enough skill rotation then put your wiz skill points to sleep. If you feel like your skill is still lacking some punch to it then put it in energy bolt.

I exclusively use EB for boss and only sometimes for when I want a mob to be pushed toward a ground skill eg: Frost Cloud/Flame Ground

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Oh, that is a good idea to use EB to push them into ground spells. 1 point it is then, thanks.

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@Neiru my god… The cooldown time for this class is WAAAAY too long!!

I’m at rank 4 right now so obviously not a lot of skills, but does it get better when i get to higher ranks?
Should I just put 1 point in every skill so I have more skills to use while the main ones are on cooldown? At this point i would much rather have more weaker skills than few strong ones…

I can only speak for Wiz and Elementalist but on my weird ass build I have about 8 attack type spells I do sometime come to a point where All of them are on cool down so I let the rest of my pt do all the damaging but that is rare and usually I only experience it on Earth Tower where I have to spam all of my attack spells but on dg290 I’m fine. Usually the 1st one to always finish its cooldown is Energy Bolt so I had that going for me. I don’t have any experience with Elelock so I’m not sure how the skill pans out on higher levels so someone in the forum please share your experience with us…

on hight lvl little better - u get other skills from other classes. but true, elememe have a big CDs. Just not spamm all skills in once.

Im currently using a elelock in end game and have a good experience of the class usage.

later in earth tower/end game you will definitely have more spells to use to fill your rotations, but you’ll need to use them in a way to be able to do so. however that being said, there will be a couple seconds of downtime once ALL your spells are cast. in this scenario you can either use the time to re position or to autoatk, however in end game parties, you will have a chronomancer with you at times. this will enable you to have NO downtime at all because of pass. this meaning you will be permanently casting something basically, and the mobs will die faster than you can cast.

To answer your OP, yes sleep is heavily used in end game and at i would reccomend to max it or to get 14 points of it. you can leave ebolt at 1 point if you want the filler+knockback but im actually using lvl 14 energy bolt, this is because after testing, i personally like the filler damage of it and i can also do a substantial amount of damage of it in tbl/pvp against squishies. of course, this is also because other spells in the wizard3 branch arent really worth taking. lvl 5 surespell/quickcast/magicmissles should be auto included, but you can spread your extra points into either lethargy or ebolt, dont touch equake or reflectshield, you’ll need at least 1 point in lethargy for the strike attribute debuff though.

some ending notes: dont worry too much about the build at rank 4-5ish, you have long cd’s for a reason, you will get more spells in the future, as well as your mastery of using certain spell combos or paths will improve.

Also some notes about reflect shield : it scales off SPR, but as a elelock, you will be using either FULL INT or a variation of INT + CON. thus reflect shield is actually garbage. the reason why you feel reflect shield is okay at the moment is because you are low rank/low lvl atm. once you get to higher levels and against stronger mobs, reflect shield is horrendous and takes a buff slot. (there is currently a buff limit in the game)
so if you have too many buffs, you’ll over write the previous, perhaps more useful ones


@Mikumo thanks for the thorough info. But once the buff limit is removed, would you suggest reflect shield?
It’s not that i disagree with you, but being able to nullify damages 9 times at max level just seems too good to be considered garbage… I know Elelock is int build, but the reason for reflect shield is not damage reflected. It’s for the number of time it can protect you.
Maybe nullifying damages 9 times is trivial at end game? Like i said I dont have alot of experiences, so more advice would be appreciated, thanks.

once the buff limit is removed, reflect shield has some potential of getting added.
However it seems you are confused by the actual skill use, reflect shield doesn’t nulify damage, it absorbs a flat amount depending on your spr (the damage cannot go below 1). therefore at higher lvls, since you arent really an spr build, it will only minus damage done to you by like what 150-200 max? for 9 times. this is literally nothing since it is a flat amount instead of %.

9 hit counts in late game also gets broken in under a few seconds as well. again not to be condescending, but I’ve personally tested all elelock skill paths with multple skill resets and trust me here when I say the ONLY reason why a small amount of people use reflect shield is to have the small flinch immunity.

There is a reason why people hate reflect shield in game, it is because like swift step for archers, it takes a buff slot for other party members and kills thier own, more useful buffs

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Uh o.O? Indeed I misunderstood what reflect shield does. I had reflect shield on my sorcerer/necro (spr build) thus I thought damage got reduced to 1. Ok now I see it, no reflect shield then.