Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist Prominence - How bad is it?

Hello everybody,

I just wanted to ask if Prominence got any changes lately. Also, does it work with Agny?
My playstyle right now involves a lot of pulling enemies into my aoes …but since quick cast doesnt work with meteor right now I am thinking bout switching to prominence instead… I think it would fit my playstyle much more, but I am hesistant since I have no idea if wasting a skill reset would be worth it.

Thanks in advance!

it’s nice that it’s an instant cast but I wish I had left it at 1 so I could put more points into meteor since meteors impact range scales with skill level. agny necklace says that it works with prominence and I suppose that it scales better with prominence than with meteor since agny adds a flat value of 50% to total skill damage.

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Not bad? But putting more than 2 points is wasteful. Also it needed you to running around the mobs.

Not bad at all. Instacast, great aoe damage, scales with agny necklace and you can have both meteor and prominence.

Electrocute is the real waste of points. Long cast, long cooldown, buggy animation and weak damage.

But isnt it a nice damage increase since its scales with MATK?

I actually really like electrocute and maxed it. It works great with Hail and you can jump-cancel the animation… and quick cast helps

It’s a cool skill, but one point is enough.

And Meteor is the real waste of points it takes too long to cast even if quickcast was working and have a huge cooldown for the damage, even the OH doesn’t save the skill. I should have put the points in Freezing Sphere instead…

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I also plan to move away from Meteor… doesnt seem worth it… I want to invest into prominence though

I don’t agree on electrocute having low damage. If you electrocute a bunch of mobs (and especially with hail) It can deal high damage (and it’s dps will probably increase in the future with addition of overheat). It’s not really meant for one mob as you’re wasting its damage potential that way.

As for the topic. After getting your "core’ skils (Frost Cloud and Hail). Anything after that seems will be probably more for your preference. I didn’t put points in prominence since I felt Meteor and Freezing sphere gave more damage in a safe distance as opposed to prominence (as you have to move around closely to bosses)

Electrocute its one of the best elememe skills ATM, honestly i cant wait to get the 2 OH for electrocute <3, on the other hand i dont like prominence at all, it used to be an amazing skill before the patch but ever since combat rebalance i cant stand it, even 1 point feels like a waste to me.

I can totally understand how people could/would like to use it, but personally i dont like and i think its because i miss the old prominence a lot and just dont feel like using this 4sec version of it.

Personal opinion aside:
Its not that bad but its not good either, people tend to say to put 1 point into it ,but even when i have 5 points on it with my pyro meme i dont use it that often (mostly in uphill). If mobs are too close together then its ok i guess, just dont expect it to do crazy damage on bosses because it might actually never hit them, and even if it does damage its quite low, specially with a level 1 promi.

All on all im happy without it, i just hate how long are they taking to fix the quick cast+meteor issue -_- im starting to hate meteor just because of that.

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The problem with Prominence is the fire is ‘jump’ around and only the small ground of its spot will make damage. It’s not because the damage isn’t nice, it just not too effective because it randomness (even after you buy the attributes). Sometimes even in a close group of mobs, there will be one or two mobs get lucky.

I found the effective ways to using Prominence are by stand close enough with the target, or running around in small scale to make the jump have more chance to hit the mobs. If you take Linker class, Joint Penalty will make it more effective.

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Eletrocute do have low damage, only 1500% when in the lvl 15 with charge and chaneling, low range and most of the time it will not hit all the targets. But because cryomancers are common it’s a good skill to put points.

And prominence is worth the one point because of the Falconer Aiming interation against bosses, it will make the skill do full damage, 4800% + Burn damage.

With the upcoming changes Electrocute and Meteor get an extra overhead … that means better max both skills … because i think they are worth it :smiley_cat:

and i have no bugs with Electrocute … sometimes i don’t see it but i hit all my targets

i don’t know exactly which problems do you have with Electrocute but i don’t have any problems

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I like to put 1 point in Prominence. I cast it and walk in the middle of a bunch of monsters so the fire hit some of them, it is good as a aggro and filler damage.

But I can see being a main spell for a “fire mage” build with pyromancer and agny, the damage is really great. But you know: the skill don’t hit flying enemies.

“It will works well with Rain too!” <<how so???

Sorry that time I misread the description. Rain give Additional Lighting Property Damage for 35%. It doesn’t have to be Electrocute.

I thought you were talking about prominence XD

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I didn’t put any points in it since its so random of which monsters it hit lol but there is a video on youtube that show prominence can deal a lot of damage too.

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Disagree with electricute… sure on its own its all the things you said…[quote=“Serafini, post:4, topic:365606”]
Long cast, long cooldown, buggy animation and weak damage.

But pair it with Frost Pillar… oh boy… :kissing_heart:


Thanks for the feedback