Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist or Cryomancer for Rune Caster?

Wiz 3 is set for sure.

Then i ask myself “which would deal more damage?”.

Wiz 3 > Cryo 3 > RC
Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > RC

  • Cryomancer skills + Rune of Ice from RuneCaster will make your attacks really OP. Then during 180 seconds of cooldown you will be a common Cryomancer.

  • Here you are not taking 100% advantage of the class due to you only get applied Rune of Ice in Freezing Sphere, so the only useful things would be Rune of Destruction/Justice/Giants (mainly Giants). Apart from that we have Meteor, Frost Cloud, Freezing Sphere, Hail, etc.

So the question is, would be better Cryomancer 3 because that burst power with Rune of Ice makes the difference in front of Ele 3, or is Ele 3 still much better due to, mainly, Frost Cloud?

Thanks in advance.

Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Wl does more damage than any of the other.

Cryo 3 isn’t a DPS class so… no? You will have nice burst damage from Ice Wall, but it has a big cooldown (as well as rune of ice). You get awesome CC, but just no amazing dmg. To make the most out of ice wall you need Kino or a Monk anyway.

Don’t get it why you would want RC with Ele 3 tho, as its kinda useless. Linker, Warlock, Featherfoot, Cronomancer and Thauma would be better choices.

Just due to the costume :slight_smile:

I’m doubtful Cryo would even get close to Ele’s DPS even if we just count those 60 seconds of Rune of Ice.

RC Ice Rune doesn’t work with Hail or Frost Cloud.

Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > RC is not a viable build.

Man i’m not talking about viability, i already mentioned i want RC because of the costume.

The question is which of them (Ele3 or Cryo3+RC) would deal more damage.

Ele 3 has better sustained dmg (Hail / Frost Cloud), Cryo 3 has better burst (Ice Wall) IF you have a Kino/Monk in the party. If not, Ele 3 just wipes the floor dmg wise.

Ok, let’s summarize what we have and go from there:

  • Wiz3 for sure
  • RC for sure since you want the costume. No problem with that, don’t let others influence you on sticking meta builds and w/e, looking pretty is part of the game. If anything, there is the option to make alts.

Now… your two options have 0 synergy with RC:

  • Cryo3 is a low-damage support class with long cooldowns, it doesn’t even synergize with Wiz3 either
  • Ele3 by itself is one of the highest DPS classes right now, so that replies your question, but then RC would really be “Just due to the costume”

If you want to make use of Wiz3/RC, some sort of Cryokino is a must. My personal suggestion would be Wiz3/Cryo1/Kino2/RC:

  • RoI+Icewall+PP is one of the highest burst damage combos in the game and will for a short moment deal much more damage than any Ele3. Hopefully boss is dead by now, otherwise run a few laps for a minute :smirk:
  • Icewall 5 is not very useful however (breaks at PP~25% charge), but with Audra and Hummingbird Gem, you can get it up to 8 (breaks at PP~65%) or 9 with Divine Might.
  • Wiz3/Kino2 by itself is quite good for QC%Bonus+PP+Stun, can solo mobs quite well.

Other options:

  • Cryo2/Kino: less equipment investment, but lose out on Kino2 synergy with Wiz3 (PP damage and stun are really good!)
  • Cryo/Link2: link the Icewall up and stab with dagger (untested since iCBT2)
  • Cryo/Pyro/Kino: haven’t tested it myself, but could work…?

At the end, it depends on your playstyle. I personally detest Ele3 for being a one-skill wonder (Frost Cloud), but its overall dps over a long fight is tried and tested.

I’m a Wiz/Cryo3/Kino/Alch with no surecast/quickcast, but asking a cleric to drop a Safety Zone on me for the combo saves me from all trouble anyways.

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Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > RC is a viable build and people who don’t even consider it are blind.

Freezing Sphere can deal insane damage with Isa for PvP purposes where targeted spells are better than deployment skills.

Warlock doesn’t synergyze well with Elementalist, if you are taking other Rank 8 class you might consider dropping it.

Rune of Destruction is better than Meteor.

Protection is the only thing similar to PD’s effect wizards have.

Giants is cool.

You have rank 8 completely available for new classes.

1 Rank of Warlock only gives you Pole of Agony and Dark Theurge, up to you really.

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I was considering to take Wiz 3 > Cryo > Kino 2 > RC. PP + Ice Wall combo would be available for me + utility of Kino 2 in PvP.
On the other hand i won’t be surprised if they nerf that combo (or if it’s already nerfed lmao) in a near future. Also i would depend almost only on that combo, because i won’t be doing the damage could be doing with Ele 3. And looking at that, i would prefer the "only-spam-1-ability playstyle before running away waiting for Ice Wall cooldown.

So basically i will go for Ele 3.

Thanks once again for your reply!

Well i’m not sure if level Rune of Ice only for 1 skill would be worth. Rune of Justice may be a better option instead (i’m not sure about this).

Anyway i will take Ele 3 path <3.
