Tree of Savior Forum

Elementalist build with a bit of spr?

I was thinking about playing with a elementalist/onmyoji build, but I heard onmy is sp hungry and fits better in a full spr build with thauma, but what about going for something like 100spr/rest int and putting Sorc as a filler? It would have the wiz c3 lethargy atribute for the summon damage, the Cat buff for helping with the spell spam and the spr scaling.

Even if It’s not that great of a build, If It can do high level content then I’d love to play that, since I aways wanted sorc and ele in the same build.

why not go wiz3-thauma3-sorc-onmyoji2?
or a variation on that: wiz2-pyro-thauma3-sorc-onmyo2. Dont have to go Wiz3 because you’ll have quick cast from thauma’s Swell Brain attribute and pyro skills are nice for leveling early-ish.

Then you have everything!

Because I want elementalist c3 o.O wiz3-thauma3-sorc-onmyoji2 is the meta build, I know It’s great, It’s just not my thing, I realy hate thauma for reasons.

What I want to know is if something like wiz3-ele3-sorc1-onmyo2 with a bit of spr and the rest int would be decent in high level content. If not, full int with rune caster instead of sorc would work?

from what i have heard: ele3 + onmyo2 = too many skills to use and onmyo’s skills are mostly low CD and have overheats so downtime is very short.

Sorc by itself has a class attribute that gives +100 sp recovery, with cat’s buffs thats quite something and you can add spr via equips. But in an event you want to cast all your skills for a prolonged amount of time - potions are still a must.

In that regard, yeah I heard that too, but I seen a vídeo with ele-rc-onmy and it was doing well on the high lvl dungeon, but extremely spammy and sp intensive.
That’s why I thought sorc instead of rc and a bit of spr would be good (besides rly liking sorc).

From this I can imagine It can indeed work on high level content and sorc will help with the mana problems, besides still needing pots, If so than I should start leveling my new character :wink: