Tree of Savior Forum

Electrocute or Hail?

which one is worth max???
im going to pvp and pve
electrocute or hail???

i cant max both because i will take stone curse for lvl 5

so it left 15 point to spend on electrocute or hail??

my build is :
stone curse 10
meteor 10
frost cloud 5
rain 1/max
left over spend to electrocute or hail??

Put 1 in Hail and the rest in electrocute, since you are in C2 take hail attribute for freezing for an extra CC.

Thanks for the reply…anyway why u suggest me to max elec??

If I understood correctly he’s not sayin’ you should max Electrocute. He said you should have 1 point in Hail and the rest on Electrocute which would make it level 4. The idea is having another CC with 1 point in Hail. And having -1 point in Electrocute will not decrease your overall DPS that much.

no no no… im planning to have ele c3

so its 45 skill point
stone curse 10 point
Meteor 10 point
frost cloud 5 point
rain 1 point

then @Nirimetus suggest 1 point at hail and 14 point at electrocute

what i ask is,… why max electrocute than hail??

why is elect better??
does it have higher damage than hail??
or range??
or aoe??

Ah sorry, then you can balance that, put 5 in ele and 1 in hail or for more duration put some more, as for why 5 in ele is to hit more targets.

I take you took Cryo for base since you will going PvP.

Is this what you are trying to get?

no lol…

no no no…
this is my build

stone curse 10 point
Meteor 10 point
frost cloud 5 point
rain 1 point

im going wiz2 kino 3 ele 3
superb for TBL or pvp

i have ultimate CC + i have Nuke Skill

hows that??

No quick cast from wiz 3 = -50% dmg output and longer cast time = not good for pvp :joy:

kino traps people so you can burst them down.
Elementalist doesnt exactly have that burst power.
I would say warlock but … -80%

Yeah i know i will not get 50% damage from quickcast… But i cant have a perfect build for hybrid…

Im trying to avoid dark damage for now… Because that rhevisan set item…

Thats why i avoid warlock…

Necro has nice burst as flesh cannon… But its has very small aoe… And necro summon is bad…

Thats why i choose ele3…

I trap people in raise… And cast meteor…

Or cast hail + frost cloud while telekinesis the enemy into it…kinda scary…

Physcic pressure for cc and buy time to wait cc cd off…

Stone curse…can curse for 23 second… So i can cast meteor while waiting the curse end…and release the meteor…

But i have doubt… To max hail or electrocute for damage wise pvp and pve build??

Thought please

why so much stone curse and meteor o.o

23 sec curse… Kinda deadly at pvp without cleric…

Meteor 1 hit ko skill.? (Cmiiw)

Meteor scale badly??

In pvp, stonecurse is good and you can damage the enemy while in curse without breaking the spell.

The bad thing is… You gotta aim one of 8 directions ._.

Honestly if you fail to CC once you’ll probably die right after since you have no quick cast.

Actualy sc need only to longer the cc duration from kino …raise… Sc…

Which one is better…hail or electro??

For pvp electrocute is better, hail works best against bosses and packs of mobs.

I think meteor 10 has like 9s cast time? how are you planning on using it as burst without quickcast? I get it stone curse can cc for a long time, but that requieres you to hit the person, a teammate can also break it because reasons, you could get annoyed by another enemy. Many things could go wrong.

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Well then i guess i need to drop 1 circle from kino3 to kino2… But i will loose raise…

I will have quickcast then…

Does elect damage better than hail damage??

The only pple youll have a chance of killing with this build are glass cannons. Anyone serious in pvp (besides invisibles) will have 20k+ hp and you wont be able to deal that damage with the build youre going for.

Kino without raise is bad, I suggest you just change ele for another class, you want a pvp build, and ele is not a pvp class.

Is there any other class for suggeestion??

Why can i kill them high hp?

Will my damage so low??