Tree of Savior Forum

Ele question - which way after wizc2?

Well, I’m rerolling my ele now after having wiz-cryo-linker-ele.

My question is: Currently I’m being a wizard c2 and thinking about whether to go

Wizard c3-> Ele c3 (obviously, for the quick cast)


Wizard c2 -> Linker -> Ele c3 (wiz c2 for the surespell and linker for having more damage outburst since through joint penalty the enemies get the multiple amount of the damage)

Question: Is ele too slow / weak without the wiz c3?

Also: Would you guys rather pick lethargy 5 (for the perk of +100% strike damage) or energy bolt 10 for more dmg while lvling the wiz?

So in wiz c2, either energy 10, lethary 1, sleep 10, surespell 5 or
energy bolt 6, lethary 5, sleep 10, surespell 5?

You have to go Wiz 3, you do so much more dmg. Dont waste any Points at engery bolt or earthquake, just max sheep and get lethary to 3(For the passiv).

And dont forget Magic Missile, its one of your best spells :slight_smile:

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Quickcast’s attribute alone outdamages anything an entire circle of Linker can offer, particularly on resistant mobs because it is a t2 modifier and thus is additive or subtractive with elemental property modifiers.

You’ll be doing garbage damage on elemental resistant mobs without it.

Also, your primary damage skill (Frost Cloud) doesn’t benefit from JP.

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Lethargy 1 is enough to get the attribute and I only got lv1 on my Wiz3. No huge benefits from the points to go to lv5, imho. Duration of lv1 and lv5 are the same. Defense debuff is crap later eitherway, so you only need it for the attribute.

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Lethargy has +20% strike damage per attribute level though.

Yep, that’s why I said get lv1 Lethargy with lv5 atrribute.

No, Energy Bolt at least lv 5 and Earthquake lv 1 is very useful when you need it.

A quick tap Energy Bolt will proof useful when you need to take that last hit or compete damages.

The real thing a Wizard shouldn’t waste any points in is the Reflect Shield. It does nothing post 200.

I thought, for having the attribute at 5, the skill itself must be at 5 too, isn’t it?
Like Lethargy 2 ->max. attribute 2 and so on?

No, Lethargy lv 1 and you can take the full attribute.

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Ok! Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Lv 5 Engery Bolt and Lv 1 Earthquake is fine, but you shouldn’t spend more Points in my opinion.

Depending on server latency, you need more points in Energy Bolt to get a quick tap.

For me I need level 10, but it may improve after the migrate, so I may reset.

@Mirarara Sent you a message about wiz3ele3 build. Please check your inbox! :slight_smile:

Sorry for hijacking this thread.