Tree of Savior Forum

Edge sitting + camera angles?

I recently stumbled across this image:

At first I thought it might be an edited image, but after stumbling on earlier work when the game was “Project R1” using a very similar animation, I think it’s real and has been removed from the game. It would be nice if edge sitting were a function we could use on specific designated spots with edges to use, such as all the benches in the game, the edges of houses/buildings/roofs, walls, etc. Almost anything that you can fall off of really.

While we’re on the topic, at the same time as discovering that sitting animation I came across this angled shot within the lodge:

That came straight from the Japanese ToS twitter. It’s so nice and atmospheric, even if our ability to adjust the camera is severely limited due to the artistic choices the map designers have used being able to angle the camera in limited ways would provide for some much more atmospheric and pretty screenshots.

Thank you.

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the first image is part of the cutscene that play at the start of the game were your character is sleeping and then is preparing to leave the bed…


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It is? Booooo. I don’t remember that! I did try to find it too, thanks for the info.

Still, I like the general idea of sitting on edges and they seem to have thought of it from their earlier development shots. I’d very much like it back, it would give a nice atmosphere to all the locations currently being used for social chit chat, like the Orsha rooftop and benches.

Camera angling is a given, I don’t think anyone would disagree that even some very small up/down angling would be extremely nice for vanity shots of the game. The default angle is a little claustrophobic.