Tree of Savior Forum

Economy - The most important thing

Trying to distort truth once again don’t you? You liar.

Just because i think people shoudn’t take my examples literaly, Doesn’t mean i want to use FAKE INFORMATION to convert using the system.

But i told that many times already, you are just pretending you don’t understand. I would say you are playing dumb, but you are already a dumb assh’le.

Well for mentally healthy people, that “little dot and spot” makes the two informations look greatly different from each other.

I know you are not even average IQ and as always you won’t understand squad, but there is only one way to explain it:

Psychologically speaking, most people’s brains already know the value and the difference between each other.

The human brain activities are divided in three main parts:

  • Conscious mind - responsible for rational activities
  • Subconscious mind - responsible for bio-rational activities
  • unconscious mind - responsible for biological activities

The average subconcious mind works about 10 times faster than the conscious mind, collecting and pre-processing the information from the all 5 senses before they can be processed and understood by the conscious mind.

In other words the subconscious will judge and react to the informations for many times before the conscious is aware, affecting the concious’ perception of things. The excessive and irrelevant information like the extra zeros after the dot will be filtered/ignored.

It’s imperative that the bio-rational conclusion will psychologically affect a healthy person’s concious perception.
The brain will end up psychologically seeing:

  • 10,000 as 10,000 U (units) and
  • 100.00 as 100 U (units).

Not being familiar with the information presented, or having a poor/sick bio-rational functioning could lead a person to psychologically see “100.00” as hundred zero zero.

That phenomenon is called “information overload” it’s a symptom from bio-rational malfunction. Which is your case, you have poor neural function.

  • Coming to this conclusion it’s understandable why you can’t see the huge difference between the two visual informations. You suffer from a brain activity malfunction,

which would mean that you are literally a retard.

Or you do see the huge difference between the information, but will tell the opposite to protect that piece of garbage you call ego.

which would mean that you are a liar.

It’s still my first year in college, it’s too soon for me to be giving out diagnosis. But i strongly believe that you are both retarded and a liar.

Now i dare you to show some brains, and write a REAL text like i just did. And not your 24h habit of copying and pasting (that is too easy, anyone can do it)


“It’s just example”
Well, if you don’t want to use fake information, how about using that other old game’s number to show how it reduced its digits? Since you keep on repeating that it could do it.

As for your long-winded psychology talk, I’m not a psychologist so I could be wrong.

Apparently this is either made up or very obscured word you used, since the only thing I found is a type of pesticides that’s explained such
“Pest control materials that are relatively non-toxic to people with few environmental side-effects are sometimes called ‘biorational’ pesticides”

Also, “Information overload” wiki gave me this:
Information overload (also known as infobesity or infoxication) refers to the difficulty a person can have understanding an issue and making decisions that can be caused by the presence of too much information

Making decisions, to my knowledge, is a conscious activity, so ‘information overload’ should apply to the conscious mind, and not subconscious?

As for me viewing 10,000 vs 100.00 as the same, possible.
Because actual exchange rate fluctuates, let’s pretend $1 = 100 yen.
In which case, I’d see $100.00 and 10,000 yen as the same, because I have knowledge of said exchange rate.

Increasing subconscious value of money is worthless because at the end of the day you’ll consciously decide if the amount is worth it, which will be based on various other factions (supply demand, ACTUAL income, etc) and not said subconscious value.

Btw, out of curiosity:

Are you saying your college life is boring, or insulting everyone else by implying your life is not boring and theirs are?

Bio rational from the subconcious activities is made up??? HAHAHA :joy:

Judging by how brainless you are, you sure must be missing that function. :joy:

You just showed how ignorant you are, i’ve been studying this sh’t for 6 months, and that’s the main reason i came up with this topic in the first place.

If you want to discuss psychology with me, at least apply for a psychology course in college, like i did. Just saying…

Is that THE BEST text you can do?

It’s so poor, and so full of copying and pasting. It’s like you have no originality at all.

Try to do an original text like my last with a maximum of 1 quote (for theme) or even 0 :wink:

Unless you are not smart enough :smirk:

But you won’t do it, you don’t have enough brains to show some originality not even once in a while.

It’s like you hide after the “copying and pasting”, and without that simple thing that most people can do it… you are nothing.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

(also lol)

On topic…
Calm down ye nincompoops.
As silly as Niko is being here, he’s not wrong, this has gone too far.
I’m not gonna backseat mod, but y’all do well to remember the rules we’ve got!
Keep it clean(ish), my ladies!

Let’s go over this again with the most obvious parts.

  • Opinion A : Small numbers +
  • Opinion B : Big numbers +

Which is valid? Both.
My reason for either could be “because I like juice” and it still would be a good enough reason.

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Yes, it’s getting a lot of it, and with 2 persons, it makes tiresome.

At last, a great answer and it would be ok on it.

This escalated quickly, Well Ill put in my input, I agree with someone (I don’t know who it was) but having a system to constantly take money from the game like a NPC that trades tons of money for headgear or Items like Potions or enchantments etc would keep the Economy less inflated, for example, on World of Warcraft they started with expensive mounts and learning how to ride mounts upwards of 7000 gold but eventually people have gotten rich so they introduced trading gold for game time which it game the game alive and permanently destroyed tons of gold from the game, in terms reserved inflation.

Some suggestions- Headgears for money, enchantments for money like +1-+10 (but expensive), certain dungeons with NPCs that will let you in for money (just a suggestion)

Do think there are other influences on the economy.
Example lets take RO as i assume thats a familiar example to many of this forums, one of the problems it had was bots it was literary infested with low lvl bots that ran around and simple by their numbers amassed large sums from killing low lvl enemies over and over infinitely.
This is one reason for why over time RO saw a inflation of the currency and one reason against small numbers or lest against certain structures of small total numbers that still lets the lowest lvls amass significant “cash” given 24/7 playing unless you can effectively recognize bots and then ban them.
My own idea against low lvl bots would likely be a “new character island” you cant leave until you complete a quest that has randomized aspects to it that would be hard for a computer program to accomplish still given enough incentive that can probably be broken through also most easy things have usually been tried ages ago and found wanting.

Still support the “small numbers idea” but its not without risks and drawbacks that needs to be addressed before you choice it.
Overall find the economy important but if it “works” i dont mind saying 56million instead of 560, as long as it lets you trade to get what you want and has multiple way of getting “cash” which most can find 1 way they enjoy im satisfied.
Ive played MMOs were if you wanted something you hadto go and get it yourself since the economy had “broken” at some point its a thing thats almost impossible fix any errors stay in the system for years after you solve it.
Most simple say 56k for 56000 and 56m for 56 000 000 still do agree its still better not needing to resort to the abbreviation system.

Think the RO market was pretty good and it worked for a long time relatively effectively, and i quite enjoyed the buying and reselling aspect and even the upgrade system which once you had enough money could throw the dice and you might end up losing millions or gain millions.
Still assume i stopped playing before it turned “bad” given the general negativity about it on this forum

I did say I am not psychologist.
And rather than explaining it, you do this.
Welp, that just goes to show how little you can explain things.
Can’t say I expected any real information back to begin with, but still.

So something based on what you’ve studied for 6 months is ‘originality’…you know an ‘original’ statement does not have to be ‘true’ statement.

brains…so…whatever kind of creature you are, apparently having more than one brain is possible…I guess that might explain the culture difference.

So, how about showing how that other old game cut down its digit when there’s items that’s worth 1z?
Or how immoral you sound by using this sort of line as positive reasoning:

Also, illusion.

See i was right, i just found your weak spot and proved that you can’t say a thing without copying and pasting.

So by insisting with your habit of copying & pasting, after i said “you are incapable of replying without copy & pasting” you just indirectly said:

“Hey, you were right. I have no brain of my own, without the copying and pasting i just can’t write anything”

So if you are incapable of doing something that simple, it proves another theory of mine: You aren’t smart.

If you aren’t smart that explains a lot why you just can’t respect other people’s opinions nor their topics.

If this was your topic, i would be long gone and left you in peace with your opinions. Unlike you, i know to respect other people’s spaces.

  • You will do anything to try sabotage other people’s idea if you feel
    jealous or don’t like them.

  • You bullsh’t on the first opportunity. Using truth to distort another one.

  • Whenever you run out of arguments, you will say anything, doesn’t matter if it is true, a lie, something with 0 logic, or even something that isn’t even related to the subject.

  • You don’t care for others but yourself, you made that pretty clear when you say that you “love shoving work to other people”.

I bet you must have thought more than once: "How the hell he keeps deciphering me?!"

Well i am a psychology student after all. You may not be emotional like i am, nor “call names” like i do, but i can see right through you. And i don’t see good person.

You don’t care about my this topic, you don’t care if i am defending myself from your false allegations. All you want here is to conquer me in my own ground to feed your ego.

You think you should be the “king of the world”, and that’s what makes you dangerous.

That is why, i can’t let you win. Not today, not ever.


Am i making you so mentally tired, that you had to go and make the most Epic “Copy & Paste”?

Again playing the blame shifting card?

  • I never said “I love shoving all my work to someone else”. You did.
  • I NEVER disrespected other people’s topics IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. You did.
  • I don’t go trolling other people’s spaces. You did. (good people don’t do that)

You are like on of those kids, when someone call them dumb and they go like:


I told you, i can see right through you and your bullsh’t.Now you came up with this dumb strategy to copy my words and write as little as you can to save mental energy.

Proving yourself once again that i am right about saying that you are not smart.

Go on, copy and paste this since that is the only thing you can actually do good.

Hi guys. Just come by to say how surprised I am that this discussion is still going on and on with the same points being repeated over and over. Worse, the discussion itself is leading to another direction which is entirely out of the intended topic: the discussion of human brain (?), the legitimacy of an argumentation (?), and umm. I wonder if this forum needs any moderator at all.

Never mind me, nevertheless. Go on and have fun.


First thing that pop into my head that made me think of it as self-analysis rather pointing it to me.

Can’t explain what’s bio-rational is when asked.

From your OP:


‘harder to get means valuable’
So you’re tying how something looks to its actual worth through that logic.

Not to mention using ‘Economy’ as topic title then proceed to talk about how to make money ‘look’ more valuable.

When you use line like “That sweet ilusion will make sure that players feel even more addicted” you don’t seem to look at other people in positive light. Maybe you’ll have better success at EA.

“I want to work with REAL information”

Just like when you shove finding the data to me, saying something like I ‘asked’ you to when you were the one to first mention you will do it. Yes I did say ‘please’ after you said so, but I thought that’s basic manner.

Nobody understands yourself like you do or whatever that quote was.

Reminds me of someone looking at mirror in a dimly lit room talking to himself.

You just want to change ToS to fit your need of that other old game to ‘feed your ego’.
(Which still leave the question of what exactly that other old game did, you mentioned items that sells for 1z so I thought maybe I’m misunderstanding something about when you mentioned that other old game did it so I asked you to explain but you still haven’t done so)

[quote=“zeno_t, post:199, topic:39742”]
You think you should be the “king of the world”, and that’s what makes you dangerous.

That is why, i can’t let you win. Not today, not ever[/quote]
I think that line speaks for yourself.

Still, I did admit I more or less only reply still because you keep replying to me, therefore a simple solution is to not reply to me…

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That’s hilarious.

i didnt read their posts but i agree with u

actually, its better to let them fight inside this thread :yum:

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

I gave the solution already, stop replying to me.

And based on what you’ve shown, being recognized as ‘smart’ by your definition isn’t something I care about.

I’ve told you it’s far easier to simply stop replying to me since much longer back.

So you’re the one not letting it go.

And I don’t feel you deserve a ‘sorry’, nor do I need or want your forgiveness.