Tree of Savior Forum

Earth Tower 20/F Clearing Party - 17/F Video

Druid C2 is okay for ST, but you lack reviving ability. Which is okay if there’s another Priest, but their comp is based to be very safe around many forms of ressurection. If you die at those floors, it takes longer than the time attack to return from floor one.

yeah i like 17/F and 20/F too

I would also point out that Chronomancer3 have Backmasking and Quicken. Both also key to success.
That’s 3 players out of 5 having ability to Resurrect and +480 attack speed full time with Divine Might.

Again, thank you Veritas for taking time to break down the composition of this team and their strategy. It amazes me how you were able to identify each detail outlined in your post.

Like you’ve mentioned in another thread, I’m happy that Diev3 plays such a large part of this composition. Even though I went DruidC2 (so no priest), I still feel I can potentially clear ET with the right group. Sterea Trofh is nothing to scoff at End Game. Honestly, if soul crystals were allowed or a change was made so you revive say at 1F, 5F, 10F, 15F, (depends on how far you have cleared) rather than always at 1F, DruidC2 might actually be a preferred choice.

Im interesting in the Stats for Krivis 3.

1:1:1 INT:SPR:CON?

If anyone doesn’t know ausrine is a buff that gives you invincibility while having free movement (diev 3 skill). It also has a duration so it can be paired with melstis giving you almost near permanent invulnerability.

This combo was always at the back of my mind but I never really executed it, I’m really glad someone did.

Faith in class diversity somewhat restored.

Other than the Cryo-Chrono and Wiz3-Ele, this composition is hardly meta. Here’s hoping more people come up with innovative ways to beat end game content.

It’s sad but you guys know that we cannot compare kTOS with iTOS. Their skills seem to be more powerful. With high sliver drop rate, they easily max all attribute and upgrade gears. Damn, why does IMC neft iTOS so hard??? :cry:

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Melstis Nerf Incoming…


It’s not really diversity if this set-up is the ONLY way to beat end-game content.

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Kk please tell me how people won’t figure out other ways. In fact, nobody gave much thought about this combination until someone pulled it off, and now everyone’s talking about it.

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in itos forums anyway, everyone just parrots the same stuff.
How many people in itos per server are seriously attempting ET, less than 50? Be surprised at more than 20 people per server.
And building a team from the ground up with it as the aim? 0

We just have to wait while ktos does the research and testing for us.

Hey, if people figure out other ways, then that might count as diversity.

But they haven’t done that yet. If you have any other ideas besides “Be invincible forever using the only combo that can do that”, I’m sure they’d love to hear them.

Idk about making a team specifically for a certain dungeon. But thx for the info and video.

Not impressed unless its solo 20F :expressionless:


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The OP didn’t posted the video for that purpose, he is showing instead that you don’t have to make a meta team to be successfull and just use your brain to find synergy between different classes and that what Tree of Savior is about.

At the moment on Itos a lot of players are asking reset classes because they’re not over powered but look at that SR, everybody is mind blow by his damages because Itos prefere instead Wugushi and fletcher. at the moment.

We also don’t have 45% steady aim.

Still, I think their builds are a little too ET-oriented to be called “non meta”. You may call em ET meta. Have we heard about Arch2-Rang3-SR2 before? We sure did. At ET. Same goes for Diev3. And Priest1 is a specific pick. Only new thing for me is Paladin1.

And hey, it’s only 2 strange clerics tbh. Arch2-Ranger3-SR2, Chrono and Runecaster are meta, it’s just that Ranger3-SR2 is a rare sight cuz Ranger3 not that good (tho still viable) + nobody makes an Elem3-RC1 as there’s no PvP. Idk what’s the problem of running into a wall. Most other options apart from Ranger still dismount.

Also that Ranger for steady aim on our version is extremely nerfed and quite terrible.

…kinda like our version of the game in general. Thanks IMC!

after all those people saying sr and krivis 3 sucked…xD