Tree of Savior Forum

Dungeons are broken again

Date and Time : 12/04/2016 14:34 GMT -3

Game Control Mode (Keyboard/Joypad/Mouse) : Keyboard

Where it happened (which map, which quest, which npc, etc) : Forest of Prayer / Mercenary Post

Bug Description :
Party Searcher doesn’t function properly. Everytime it finds a team, it resets and proceeds to look for another. It will work eventually, but while it may take 2-3 tries, it also may take over 30 tries.

Steps to reproduce the issue :

  1. Join the Party Searcher for any dungeon
  2. Watch how it will find a team
  3. Watch it reset and search for a new team without joining the dungeon
  4. Repeat steps 2-3

Screenshots / Video :

System (unrelated to my system specs, so im leaving that in blank)

  • CPU :
  • RAM :
  • Graphics Card :
  • Mainboard :
  • Storage :
  • OS : Windows 7
  • Internet Connection : 35mbit/s
  • Country, Region : Brazil

Same thing happened to me

It’s the same issue which happens when u are in a party and cant get in due to full dungeon server capacity (number of parties inside the dungeon reached a limit something like that), so the search wont work as well till new spots are released. It seems they are working on increasing server capacity so maybe this will happen less and less.

It’s happening to everyone. Not to just a few people

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yes… more gifts from GMs? xD

Nnf I really hope they manage to fix this by F2P ;w;

same problem here, they make bug fix then a new bug shows up. At least this one let you go inside the dungeon after 30 mins or so.

so many bugs already and almost no fixes, disaster alert for the 28.04…servers gonna explode

same problem for me :anguished:


please fix this problem

Don’t forget dungeons are basically unplayable for premade parties of friends, too.

Both of these issues are huge, you random queue and can’t play, you make a premade and can’t play.

Can confirm broken. I’ve tried to get a group for the last 10 minutes… found a group and didn’t enter.

@STAFF_John , @STAFF_Ethan , @Staff_Julie , @STAFF_Shawn … Staffs commom any ETA to fix that new dungeon problem 30 mins queue are annoying…

if its realy the problem that there arent enough instances, then they should make up a queue system, one for players and one for groups.

the player queue puts int the people that wait the most time in the first group, etc and the group queue puts the first group in the first instance and so on.
the queue number should be shown so people know how long they might wait.

and if one leaves in hope to get in faster, gets the person queue reset. that way people wont leave and requeue all the time.