Tree of Savior Forum

Dungeon Problems and Solution

As we all know the dungeon situation is really bad. There are some decently good visited dungeons which are 50,90 and 130. The rest is rushed if anything or you need to queue for a long time.

And why is this?
Because dungeon runs tend to be unrewarding and painful if you have a bad party composation/no healer.

What every Dungeon needs

Dungeons need to be more rewarding. You only have 2-3 runs per day. These should be far better than the grind to make people visit these. Which would also relieve stress on the grind maps.

  • Monsters should drop loot.
    At least their normal drop pattern and maybe some nice extras. This actually also adds fun to the boring meat hitting as you could see some items from time to time and maybe Gems or something similar. This gives it value and encourages players more to do full runs instead of rushes.
  • Monsters should drop far more silver.
    And by this I mean a lot silver. Especially enough that you can throw down a lvl 10 healing potion on CD and still get a fair amount of silver from the run. Like 100k for the 50 dungeon, 150k from the 90 dungeon, 200k for the 115 and 130 dungeon, …
    Then without healer you still have a fine run the moment people realize that glugging down potions all the time is no problem.
    It also relieves the luck factor because if you are hard working doing full runs you get silver to buy equipment from more lucky people.
  • Bosses should give more experience.
    The EXP numbers from bosses are ridicoulus low. They give the same EXP as 3 trash mobs. What? o.o
    The higher the level the more EXP a boss should give. Especially those painful and unrewarding dungeons would gain a lot of value then (hallo Mr. 160 Dungeon Designer). It should be the same EXP as you get from the mission bosses. And suddenly people run the 160 Dungeon which closes the gap of having bad grinds because well 200k EXP for each boss in there adds up good. Easy problem solved.

What certain dungeons need

  • 160: Fixed with boss EXP.
  • 190: Would also be fixed with boss EXP.
  • 200: 3x EXP. Honestly this dungeons is so bad for exp and should at least be better than Truffles.
  • 217: Same as 200. Next to no people queue for this dungeon because it is so much worse than the grind.
  • 240: 2x EXP to catch up with the grind.

I would also suggest some sort of “reconnect time frame” when you are disconnect from a dungeon mostly because the servers aren’t stable enough. I noticed some people being offline and then get back to the dungeon without problems but everytime I get disconnected it is a lost run for me. That’s why I think you should be able to return to the dungeon if you re-login within a time frame. And make this time frame reasonable enough because so far it seems like some lucky move.