Tree of Savior Forum

Dungeon Boosting Suggestion "SIDEKICK MODE"

I’d like to share a mechanic based on other games(Revelations Online) called “Sidekick Mode” which was essentially being able to enter dungeons you’ve already finished to help/boost lowbies. In this mode, you will be given 0 gold, 0 exp, and maybe some other currency for helping out newbies (we’ll let IMC figure this one out). You can sidekick for maybe 3-4 times per day to decrease some exploits that I cannot think of at the moment with this game mechanic. Maybe limit the dungeon which this is applicable to?

This will help alleviate dungeon que(s) for lower level dungeons and make it easier for new players to have fun in the game.

PS. I am sorry if similar topic is already posted up somewhere in the forums. I am new and eager to post this up.

Suggestions, comments, criticism, etc. are all welcome.

And finally, Sorry for my grammar and thank you for taking your time in reading this.

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