Tree of Savior Forum

Dungeon are too easy

I don’t know since when but DGs became too easy. After IMC gave us a new character slot I decided to create a new char… How ever 3 of 9 dungeon that i played some idiot kill the boss solo, in the low level DGs what was impossible before cuz was a kind of hard… please consider to increase the difficulty of the low level to that stuff doesn’t happen cuz it kill any enthusiasm to do a new char and keep playing.

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Sometimes people simply have strong gear and high levels. It’s not the dungeons that are too easy.

If dungeons became too hard, people with bad gear would take forever to go through dungeons, and it wouldn’t be fun.

Dungeons are for leveling. This game should have more challenging and engaging raids, besides Earth Tower.

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They’ve been making lower level easier so people can get to higher level, where the current contents are, faster.

This is not unique to ToS either, you can see similar trend in any game that have expansions to add higher level cap, lower level become easier either by design (IMC changing the number, adding in instance clear voucher, etc) or just by something handed down from the higher level players (Sacra + Blessing from high level Spr pardoner = can one shot mobs in lv 50 dungeon naked)

If you want contents where the holy trinity is mandatory, go find other games, ToS wasn’t made to be that way (and given the absurd power a single character can get via high enhancement/trans, they don’t seem to plan to shift that way either)

I think that you got have some challenge at any level for what have dg to play in group if you can do it solo? the DGs has made to be done in group forcing players to collaborate with themselves. Have a DG that anyone even naked with some buffs can do alone is boring… but that is just my humble opinion.

And anyway the XP got from that DGs has been nerf so then you gotta do it more than before to gain some levels so… doesn’t seams like that the proposer here is make things easy or either faster.

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The 1 star dungeons are obviously way too easy when compared to before the update (due to the new Blessing damage that got quadrupled + the new damage formula). A lot of things got broken after the update, which is expected since it was a huge game mechanic change. They already said that they will follow up all new balance problems that appeared after the update, and the difficult (more precisely, the HP of enemies) of 1 star dungeons is definitively one of them.

The thing is though, do you level your character because you want to do these dungeons, or because you want to get to those higher level/ranks?

Most people would answer the latter, and the less people there are to do these dungeons, the harder it is for new players to do them if they’re actually meant for 5 man.

So if anything you should be grateful that they’ve made these easy enough to solo, because as time goes on there’s going to only be less and less low level characters to do them with you.

That is a good point “lack of people to play” but anyway lose a run cuz someone just decided to spoil someone’s fun… it’s really unpleasant anyway.

Aren’t you just surprised by the new accounts sweeping dungeons with the end game gear they receive in the current events? Don’t think it is so so easy like that, not that would be bad, 1-200 is supposed to be a early rushable game anyways.

No… I made a new char yesterday I could do the 50 and the 80 lvl dungeons alone with a simple bow… the monsters there has around 2k 5k HP now…